May 24, 2024

It's Been Over 57 Years

LBJ at SSA Headquarters

     The recent visit to Social Security headquarters by former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi reminds me that the last time that a President visited Social Security was October 12, 1966. Lyndon Johnson was the President. Given Social Security's importance to the American people, it seems extraordinary to me that no President has visited Social Security headquarters in such a long time.


Anonymous said...

Since then, one party wanted to get rid of it, while the other couldn't figure out how to improve it. In consequence, it's been run by the most incompetent executives in government and layers and layers of brainless managers.

Anonymous said...

My guess is you will be waiting another 57 years but by that time benefits will be reduced if Congress does not address the solvency issue.

Anonymous said...

The President is seeking re-election and will not want to be associated with a problematic agency.

Anonymous said...

I don’t know that this is correct. I believe Obama visited during his second term. I think it involved an event held outdoors. Can anyone with a better memory than me confirm?

Anonymous said...

@9:32am - Obama used the parking lot as a helicopter landing location while visiting local mosque,

Anonymous said...

President Obama visited the Woodlawn area on February 3, 2016 to give remarks at the Islamic Society of Baltimore located about two miles from SSA HQ. I believe he was to use a SSA parking lot for a Marine 1 helicopter landing, but he took a motorcade instead due to weather issues.

VP Gore visited SSA in June 1996 to present the agency with a Hammer Award [remember them?] for service delivery improvements. (

Anonymous said...

The story I heard about the Johnson visit was that someone robbed the bank across the street while all the attention was focused on the SSA buildings.

Anonymous said...

That’s it. Thanks for clearing that false memory right up.