Jul 8, 2024

Report On Ennis Raises Questions

     From  the the Integrity Committee of the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (IC):This investigation began in May 2022. Why did it take them more than two years to finish this simple investigation?

The IC finds by a preponderance of the evidence that IG [Inspector General] Ennis abused her authority and engaged in conduct that undermined the integrity reasonably expected of an Inspector General. In pertinent part, the IC finds that IG Ennis made incomplete, misleading, and inaccurate representations about another OIG [Office of Inspector General] to various government entities; failed to retract, withdraw, or otherwise modify those representations when informed they were untrue; and then wrongfully obstructed the IC’s investigation of her and other SSA OIG executives. Rather than recusing herself from an investigation that concerned her own alleged misconduct due to the inherent conflict of interest, she participated personally and substantially in her official capacity in the SSA OIG’s decision-making regarding the IC’s investigation into her conduct, in clear violation of federal ethics requirements and despite being reminded by the IC in March 2024 of her obligation to recuse herself because the matter being investigated affected her personal interests.(footnotes omitted)

    This investigation began in May 2022. Why did it take them more than two years to finish this simple investigation? Why do they have no criticism or any real discussion of Ennis concerning the substantive allegations made against her? Why did they release this on Friday, July 5 in apparent hopes of burying the story? Why did they tip off Ennis in advance so she could quit her job just before this came out? Is no criminal referral warranted? Why was such a spectacularly unfit person allowed to stay in her job this long?


Anonymous said...

I am shocked, just shocked, that Ennis was a Trump appointee!


Anonymous said...

Similar stuff went on elsewhere in the agency under Saul and Black. People who pandered to them remain in leadership roles across the agency.

Anonymous said...

She was allowed to stay in her job for so long due to the fact that Biden's administration had other core priorities that they considered far and away more important than Social Security to fight with the Republicans over. Personally, most of those priorities weren't worth burning in a dumpster fire to me, but to each their own.

And, she isn't being prosecuted because government appointees are never prosecuted for wrongdoing unless they step so far over the line that they can't see it without a telescope. Instead, they are allowed to "resign". In 6 months, it will be "Ennis who?" and nothing will be done. Just how the government world works.

Hell, she has an active law license and they don't even mention referring her for investigation to her licensing bar. So much for enforcement of ethical canons.

In other words, business as usual for the government.

Anonymous said...

For the same reason her appointer is not in jail. Delay and lie! Lie and delay!

Anonymous said...

What was she being investigated for? She sounds unethical (no surprise) but I missed anything criminal. Typical SSA appointee.

Anonymous said...

They haven’t finished the investigation. It appears to be ongoing. The newly released report only involves her actions over the last several months.

Anonymous said...

Is she out of the Government completely? About 5 months after becoming SSA IG, she was also appointed to 'oversee' the Department of the Interiors OIG. Was she still doing that all this time? https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/447713-trump-appoints-social-security-administration-watchdog-to-also/

Anonymous said...

She left that dual role like a year in. Hopefully the door didn’t hit her where the good lord split her on the way out as IG for SSA. A once proud Org completely gutted and demoralized now. Sad as hell

Anonymous said...

She left that post after about a year. Note, a completely unqualified and unseasoned private lawyer was put in charge of two important IG shops within her first year. I hope the door hit her where the good lord split her on the way out. A once very proud IG shop completely gutted, demoralized, and left with layers upon layers of bureaucracy that serve no purpose to the mission rather than insulating herself from her actual seasoned staff who know how do the work and what work done right actually looks like