Sep 30, 2024

CDRs To Resume

     Social Security is resuming Continuing Disability Reviews (CDRs) in October for the new federal fiscal year. The CDRs had been suspended due to the huge backlog of cases awaiting a decision on initial claims. Resuming CDRs is likely to slow down Disability Determination Services (DDS) work on initial claims.


Anonymous said...

SSA management solution to all problems is to INCREASE workloads? This week we should be notified on how many furloughed days we will be getting. Overtime is nonexistent in our office. I have no clue how management thinks this is a spectacular idea.

Anonymous said...

Since the CDR approval rate is 90%, continue cessation until FY 2026 and catch up with the backlog. Like momma said 'Use what you got wisely". said...

I don't understand this, the initial and reconsideration backlog hasn't even begun to move!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the America that Trump and your GOP have been dreaming up for decades- where being poor and homeless is a crime punishable by imprisonment, and where it’s more important to determine whether you’re in the 10% of recipients who have made a significant recovery than it is to help you avoid poverty and death if you happen to have become disabled since the dawn of this new austere right-wing wet dream.

As your dear orange leader loves to say: Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Are furloughs now a given? If so sorry to hear that for the SSA staff, any idea when they will make a public announcement?

Anonymous said...

They were still sending out the flyers and responding to them. Mine was delayed after receiving the update flyer. Waste of time for them on me, really, but I also understand that by law, they have to review claimants "from time to time" to make sure they are still disabled under their rules. By the way, can we keep politics outta it for now, isn't there enough of it out there? Dear orange leader? Never... btw, former president is not president, just so you aren't confused.

Anonymous said...

The Agency has to do medical CDRs because they rely on the program integrity funding from Congress for doing them. This is especially true in these lean budget years. No one in SSA wants to do all these CDRs, but we simply have no choice or we’d face significant furloughs.

Anonymous said...

@11:10 you realize Trump is not the president and this action is taken under O'Malley and President Biden, right?

Anonymous said...

Problem is, while the orange felon isn't President, his other sycophant morons are still in Congress. And, so long as his Congressional morons keep appropriating program integrity funds and insisting that SSA use them, SSA has no choice but to do the medical CDRs.

Anonymous said...

You realize that the GOP have had a stranglehold on the budget, which dictates these actions, and that Trump has a stranglehold on the GOP, right?

But go on blaming Biden for the policies he and his party are trying to undo. And definitely vote for another Trump term. Things were sooooo awesome back in 2020 when he was president and the economy was so in tatters that the country literally had to make it legal to stop paying rent in order to prevent mass starvation and homelessness. Those were definitely the good old days when America was great again!

Anonymous said...

@9:14 you have derangement syndrome. In a tight budget you should not institute CDRs (the topic at hand). That requires resources that aren't being paid for. The executive at SSA is O'Malley and the executive of USA is Biden; this is an agency-level decision that doesn't require Congress. Your description of 2020 is naive, lacking context and inaccurate. But it also would explain a lot as to your misunderstanding of the implementation of CDRs.

Anonymous said...

Stopping CDRs had nothing to do with allowing more effort to be put into doing initials and recons. They stop them every year once the congressional mandates are reached. All it means is all the time and effort put in before they stopped them needs to be repeated so less time for other cases.

Anonymous said...

I just don't understand how we can bring politics into a normal cessation of CDR's after the quota is met, or how politics has ANYTHING to do with CDR's other than the legal requirement already set forth. The rules have generally been the same for many presidencies. Confused to why the president would be drug into a CDR post. 🤷🏼‍♂️