Feb 4, 2025

Trump Administration Won’t Abide By Union Contracts On Telework; AFGE Plans To Fight Back

      From Federal News Network:

memo Monday, signed by OPM Acting Director Charles Ezell, directed agencies not to implement any provisions of collective bargaining agreements that “purport to restrict the agency’s right to determine overall levels of telework.”

The memo also called any telework provisions in union contracts that limit an agency’s ability to set telework policy “likely unlawful and unenforceable,” and stated that setting telework eligibility is a “management right.”

“Provisions of collective bargaining agreements that conflict with management rights are unlawful and cannot be enforced,” the memo states. …

“Union contracts are enforceable by law, and the president does not have the authority to make unilateral changes to those agreements,” AFGE National President Everett Kelley said in a statement. “AFGE will not let the lawless actions of this administration or any agency go unchallenged, and we will use every option available to us to defend our contracts and support the hardworking civil servants who serve our country with honor and distinction.” …


Anonymous said...

Hopefully, Musk and his team make their way to Woodlawn. So many people there doing absolutely nothing

Anonymous said...

But Summerlin warned that there may not be any relief coming to unions and the workers they represent in the short term. Unions tried—and failed—to receive quick relief from the federal court system when President Trump issued a trio of anti-union executive orders in 2018, with a federal appellate court finding that unions must exhaust their administrative remedies before seeking judicial review.

Anonymous said...

But if the FLRA literally cannot function, then the requirement to exhaust administrative remedies doesn’t apply (if the corrupt courts apply the law correctly).

Anonymous said...

A union that cannot strike is like a pencil with no lead, pointless.

Anonymous said...

Agree. If Trump is going to breach the union contracts, then why not strike? Because government workers generally (not wholly but in general) are by nature terrified conformists who obey authority.

Anonymous said...

@1:09: Wrong. We don’t follow the rules because of fear or mindless conformity, Elon. We understand that the rule of law requires scrupulous adherence, and have the rare ability to follow the rules even when doing so doesn’t feel like the most expedient option.

If you want to continue denigrating the federal workforce, do it somewhere else. And man up and use your name.

Oh, and for Elon and his little child lackeys at OPM: I’m on leave today

Anonymous said...

LOL how are they going to square the circle btwn this and the latest memo they’ve deployed in their psycho blitzkrieg- the memo about GSA terminating all leases. Where do we work from then? Ah no worries I guess if you want disability coverage, call up UNUM or the Hartford et al as the government’s probably out of that business in due time.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, the courts don't and never have cared about that.

Anonymous said...

Rumor has it some of his goons were in the building today.

Anonymous said...

AFGE plans to fight back by trying even harder to sell me life insurance.

HQ still hasn't even announced RTO plans because nobody in Baltimore wants to make a decision until Business Daddy gets confirmed as COSS. Leaving AFGE even less time to respond (hopefully in court, but I'm skeptical) to their plans.

If they had the balls I wish they did, they'd be in court right now waving this statement and demanding a preliminary injunction.-+

Anonymous said...

The Office of Disability Operations (PC7) was moved out of the Security West building to the Robert M. Ball Building, several years ago. With everyone teleworking and hoteling, there were enough desks in the Ball, and everything was fine.

Now the rumor is that there is not enough seating in Ball, to bring everyone back 5 days of week. There are thousands of PC7 employees there, in addition to the original central office occupants

The Security West building is a wreck now, with windows missing ,can't move people back there. The Wabash building, near Pimlico in Baltimore, is undergoing repairs, so can't move people there either,.

Bottom line, if there is a RTO order, there may be a several month delay in implementing this at Baltimore HQ.

Anonymous said...

Yes. There’s been a group of kids huddled in one of the conference rooms. I think they have moved to a more secretive location. Good times. Nothing like taking security training only to have unvetted kids accessing our code.

Anonymous said...

Yay! Time to start bringing claimants and representatives back to in-person and VTC hearings!!! Can't wait!! Everybody back to the office, let's go!!

Anonymous said...

far from a union sympathizer, but this memo is non-sensical. claiming that “Provisions of collective bargaining agreements that conflict with management rights are unlawful and cannot be enforced" is laughable. Nothing prevented mgmt from negotiating these contracts. Management exercised it's right to manage telework when they authorized the telework agreements. Current mgmt might not like what happened in the past, but that doesn't mean their rights are violated. Snowflakes.

Anonymous said...

Who stands to gain by requiring staff, claimants, and representatives to appear in person at the office? What tangible benefits, if any, does this mandate provide?

Anonymous said...

Presumably the same tangible benefits that will be gained by forcing the employees back into the office to do solitary non-interactive work

Anonymous said...

in person hearings have a higher approval rating, thats kind of tangible if you are a Claimant

Anonymous said...

Your belief is inconsistent with the actual data. But carry on, old man.

Anonymous said...

What makes you say "in person hearings have a higher approval rating?"

Anonymous said...

I would be interested to know the last time you visited Woodlawn. My assumption is, never. I’m so sick of people having so much to say about components that they’ve never been to and know nothing about. I do not work in Headquarters, but I have been to Woodlawn and I have worked out of Woodlawn. People there are doing hard work even if it’s not in a field office or PC. Front line work is critical, but it’s not the only thing that needs to be done to make this agency work. Try educating yourself, please.

Anonymous said...

AFGE will roll over and show its belly to protect itself. Unions never once have been for the workers but for the union only. Any benefit that trickles to the worker is a side effect of what the union gained. AFGE is toothless, clawless and has no spine and no form of retaliation. So what are they going to do? Send a strongly worded letter? Ohhhhh my! That will teach them. Two handed single finger salute to AFGE not like they can do anything about me doing that either.