Showing posts with label Relates To Standard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Relates To Standard. Show all posts

Apr 20, 2015

A Hypothetical

     Let’s say I’m interviewing a client and ask him or her, “Do you get any exercise? And the client answers, “Yes, I get on my exercise bike for 15 minutes a day.” Does this relate to the disability claim? Is my client obliged to tell this to Social Security? Am I obliged to force my client to tell Social Security such information? 
     If I am obliged to force my client to reveal such things, have I been turned into Social Security's investigative agent? Should I just stop asking my clients any questions? Can a claimant have effective representation if this is the standard?

Do They Even Read Their Own Regs?

     I have no idea why they believe this to be consistent with their own recently adopted regulations but Social Security is now taking the position that claimants are not just under an obligation to inform the agency of evidence that "relates to" their disability claim but to submit such evidence, regardless of the expense or difficulty, and are to be hounded to do so.

How Do You Answer The Question?

     From a section added to Social Security's HALLEX manual last week:
Before closing the hearing, the administrative law judge (ALJ) will remind the claimant that he or she must inform the ALJ about or submit, in its entirety, all evidence known to him or her that relates to whether he or she is blind or disabled. See 20 CFR 404.1512 and 416.912. If the claimant has a representative, then the ALJ will remind the representative that he or she must help the claimant obtain the information that the claimant must submit. See 20 CFR 404.1512, 404.1740, 416.912, and 416.1540. The ALJ must ask the claimant and the representative if they are aware of any additional evidence that relates to whether the claimant is blind or disabled.

Apr 17, 2015

Did They Even Read Their Own Regs?

     I have no idea why they believe this to be consistent with their own recently adopted regulations but Social Security is now taking the position that claimants are not just under an obligation to inform the agency of evidence that "relates to" their disability claim but to submit such evidence, regardless of the expense or difficulty, and are to be hounded to do so.

What Does "Relate To" Mean?

     From a section just added to Social Security's HALLEX Manual:
Last Update: 4/15/15 (Transmittal I-2-139)Before closing the hearing, the administrative law judge (ALJ) will remind the claimant that he or she must inform the ALJ about or submit, in its entirety, all evidence known to him or her that relates to whether he or she is blind or disabled. See 20 CFR 404.1512 and 416.912. If the claimant has a representative, then the ALJ will remind the representative that he or she must help the claimant obtain the information that the claimant must submit. See 20 CFR 404.1512404.1740416.912, and 416.1540. The ALJ must ask the claimant and the representative if they are aware of any additional evidence that relates to whether the claimant is blind or disabled.