ProPublica obtained a recording of last week’s meeting between Acting Commissioner Dudek and claimant advocates. Here are a couple of excerpts from their write up:
… Dudek’s remarks come at a time when many Social Security employees are feeling confused about Dudek, his role versus DOGE’s and what it all means for the future of the Social Security Administration, according to ProPublica’s conversations with more than two dozen agency staffers. Many said that because the recent cuts at the agency have been carried out in a piecemeal fashion, the public doesn’t seem to be grasping the totality of what is happening to the program, which is having its 90th anniversary this year. …Meanwhile, DOGE, which Musk has portrayed as a squad of techno-efficiency geniuses, has actually undermined the efficiency of Social Security’s delivery of services in multiple ways, many employees said. Under DOGE, several Social Security IT contracts have been canceled or scaled back. Now, five employees told ProPublica, their tech systems seem to be crashing nearly every day, leading to more delays in serving beneficiaries. This was already a problem, they said, but it has gotten “much worse” and is “not the norm,” two employees said.
And under a policy that DOGE has applied at many agencies, front-line Social Security staff have been restricted from using their government purchase cards for any sum above $1. This has become a significant problem at some field offices, especially when workers need to obtain or make copies of vital records or original documents — birth certificates and the like — that are needed to process some Social Security claims, one management-level employee said. …
“I’m the villain,” he said in the recording. “I’m not going to have a job after this. I get it.”
Dudek exemplifies a guilty conscience for actions he takes in the name of authority he believes he lacks. He appears to state he has no control over decisions. Mr Dudek sounds like a man kicking and screaming to be put out of his misery. Dudek is aware his career is over. Could he grow a back bone and stand up for the American public he serves? He has decisions to make, serve the American public or serve the crown, an entity which does not exist in the US constitution.
Leland Dudek is Captain Obvious.
This is an individual that was already being investigated prior to the DOGE debacle.
“I’m the villain,” he said in the recording. “I’m not going to have a job after this. I get it.”
Hey Dudek! Have fun being unemployed after you get the boot you so richly deserve!
He's no victim. He volunteered to take over when he knew he wasn't qualified. No one should feel bad for him
We were told one software application can’t be changed right now because it has no staff with the silent implication I’m assuming I’m supposed to infer that they fired them.
Leland, if you can see this. I know you are currently in a tough spot. If you really do care about the program, give us more information about the reorganization plan and the reassignment plan. Let us know what offices will stay and what will get cut so those of us with institutional knowledge can make the right decisions to help the public. At least let us know if the reassignment is binding or just an expression of interest. Nobody will answer our questions and nobody has answers. I deeply care about this program. I’ve dedicated my life to it. I want to continue in my role and keep my institutional knowledge where it belongs. Taking a reassignment if I don’t need to serves nobody. At least do this for us. Let us have some info. Be transparent.
History will remember him along with DOGE as the ones that destroyed the American dream of a reasonable retirement or life with disability. The spirits of the dead will haunt him the rest of his days.
He'll have a job. They'll make him a senior advisor. As of now, he's just a flunky whose job it is to implement orders.
We should layoff Mr. Dudek. He is only following orders.
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