Mar 12, 2025

Webinar With Former Commissioners

      The National Academy of Social Insurance is sponsoring a webinar on “Recent Changes at the Social Security Administration: What's at Stake for Customer Service” on March 13 at noon Eastern. Former Commissioners O’Malley and Astrue as well as others will be speaking. It appears to be free and open to the public.


Anonymous said...

I hope this seminar covers the possible scenarios of
1) What the privatization of the SS Retirement Fund might look like
2) Creating a nationalized Thrift Savings Fund to address the desire of individuals to invest in Wall Street
3) Transferring Social Security Income (SSI) responsibility to States with Block Grants
4) Transferring responsibility for all Disability Processing to the State's Disability Determination Services (DDS)
5) Doge Harvesting of SSA data for AI to create Musk's X everything App and creating a backdoor in.

Anonymous said...

1 - Nationalized SSA had a taskforce 20 years ago, you can look there to see that.
2 - Such things were shot down previously by the GOP as interfering with the market - i.e., government taking money from the financial sector. THey'd be more likely to shut down the TSP to get that money into the hands and profits of the financila sector.
3 - States don't want it.
4 - see #3
5 - ??