Feb 17, 2006

SSA To Verify SSNs

Social Security is proposing to verify Social Security Numbers (SSNs) -- for a fee, with appropriate authorization from the number holder. According to the proposal:
SSA is planning to offer a new service to any interested parties. As long as the party first obtains the required written consent of the number holder, we will, for a fee, verify a name and Social Security number combination as being correct (or incorrect) for any party registered to use the service. There also will be a substantial fee to register to use the service because Social Security Trust Fund monies cannot be used to develop this service. This new service is contingent on OMB approval. Currently, we anticipate a May or June 2006 start date for the service. There will be a limited time for parties to enroll in this service. Once the enrollment period ends, there could be as much as a 3- year wait before additional companies will be permitted to enroll.

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