Jul 13, 2011

And The Response From The Most Extreme Right Wingers

I cannot say how widespread the beliefs expressed below are among Congressional Republicans but the fact that there are some saying this is a sign of just how difficult a position the Republican leadership finds itself in. By the way the man talking here, Louis Gohmert, is a nut job by almost anyone's standard. His history includes promoting the idea that terrorists are planting terror babies in this country and that President Obama wants to establish an international Islamic caliphate.
Update: One reader wondered why I bother to post a video of a nutjob speaking, which is a fair question. Look behind Mr. Gohmert. That's Michelle Bachmann. She may be the leading candidate for the Republican Presidential nomination. I think Gohmert is isolated within the Republican party but I'm not sure. If Gohmert is actually speaking for a sizable number of Republican members of Congress, we're all in trouble.


Anonymous said...

If the guy is a clear whack-job, why waste your time reading, much less reposting, his loony beliefs?

Anonymous said...

thanks for sharing...while you may be criticized for posting the rants of a "nut job" I agree that it is important to point out the fact that his ideas are given at least some credence by legitimate politicians, which is downright scary.

Anonymous said...

Need to read the Wikipedia warning.
"The neutrality of this article is disputed"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Notice how his most important concern is for the bondholders. Even when Hitler was coming to power and killing his opponents, the State Department's main concern was that Germany repay it's debts to US bondholders. Dems or Repubs, it doesn't matter. They're looking out for the same people. And it ain't you or me.