Oct 3, 2012

This Is The Best You Can Come Up With?

This is from the website promoting the Ticket to Work program:
Today we are featuring Terry Anderson, a single mother who celebrated one of the most important anniversaries of her life. She has been cancer-free for four years! As an active person who believes that employment is important to her health and well-being, Terry was anxious to return to work when she began to feel better.

She was also concerned about being “51 in a 20-something workforce.” It had been years since she had to apply and interview for a position. Naturally, she felt out of practice and nervous. Terry sought help from Iowa Workforce Development Center, one of many One-Stop career centers known for the array of employment support services they offer clients in a single location. Through the Ticket program, Iowa Works helped Terry coordinate career preparation and a job hunt. “They offered workshops on interview skills”, she says. “I had my resume refurbished. I learned fresh job-hunting strategies and new computer skills! At first, I was too proud to ask for help. I’m glad that I did.”
     Good for Ms. Anderson but is this the best example that Ticket to Work can come up with?  I don't know what residuals Ms. Anderson has from her cancer but this blurb mentions none. If  her residuals, like those of most cancer survivors, are only of the "different outlook on life" type she should have been cut off Social Security disability benefits at least three years ago. I'm glad she's in remission and I'm glad she got some help in redoing her resume and brushing up on her interview skills but, honestly, it's quite unlikely that the help she got from Ticket to Work was crucial to her return to work. If this is the best proof that can be mustered to show the value of Ticket to Work, it's pretty clear that Ticket to Work doesn't come close to paying for itself.

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