Aug 28, 2017

Proposed Changes To Musculoskeletal Listing

     The Social Security Administration has asked the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), which is part of the White House, to approve proposed changes to its listings on musculoskeletal disorders. If OMB approves the proposal, it will be published in the Federal Register and the public will be allowed to comment on the proposal. Social Security must then consider the comments before sending proposed final regulations back to OMB for final approval. 
     This is the first regulatory proposal from Social Security since Donald Trump became President.


Anonymous said...

Do we know what the language of the proposed changes is yet?

Unknown said...

"Get back to work, loser"

Anonymous said...

They're already pretty strict or narrow.

Anonymous said...

What would really be nice is if the proposed changes were listed so the public can make informed comments about what is being proposed.

Anonymous said...

To anonymous 2:54 Once they publish the proposed rules the public and all interested parties will have the chance to comment. When they publish the final rules they will comment on the comments saying why they agreed or disagreed and discuss the changes they made based on the feedback they received