Dec 19, 2018

SSA Employees Get Christmas Eve Off

     By order of the President, federal offices, including Social Security will be closed on Monday, December 24. I think federal employees would have been happier if this had been announced much earlier.


Anonymous said...

They should just be happy to get the day off, at taxpayer expense many of us still have to work on Christmas Eve. If they wanted the day off they could use PTO like the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

Traditionally such announcements have come on short notice.

Anonymous said...

Much liberal bias here? Anything to criticize the President?

Anonymous said...

ah yes, 9:34, we government employees and other workers who haven't been completely dominated by the bosses and capitalism writ large should just gleefully cheer for or even bring about the decimation too many of our brothers and sisters forced to try and survive in that grotesque jungle that is consumerism and capitalism experience every day.

Yet again, I will remind you that the problem isn't some group of people get fair and decent compensation and other benefits from their employer, it's that so many workers are getting nothing close to a conscionable deal in terms of pay and benefits. And the world isn't just naturally that way, before you pipe up with that gem of a philosophical pronouncement.

Anonymous said...

Its so laughable when I hear OHO and SSA employees bitch and moan about their jobs and constantly talk about wanting to leave the agency. They should walk in my shoes where I put in 10-12 hours at the office, another 1-2 at home most days, and another 8-10 on the weekends. All so posters on this board can complain that I am taking advantage of claimants and not doing real legal work.

I will likely be putting in a full day on Christmas Eve to try and keep up. Based on declining pay rates, I can no longer afford to employ the full amount of employees needed to efficiently run my office so I don't have to put on 70-80 hours a week. Enjoy your day off, and quit your bitching.

Anonymous said...

@ 11:45 You are getting it at tax payer expense. If the tax payer isn't off neither should you be. And you should not be allowed a union. Now quit typing on a blog on our time and money and get back to work.

Tim said...

Can I get one of those overworked, awful SSA jobs? After all, SSA is the ONLY ones that think I can work. By the way, I will give the codes the VE gave to me as for "skills." After all, the Agency and a Federal judge have rulled them "proper." Anybody else would fire me for lying on my resume! Not that I am capable of doing the job, but SSA will accommodate me, right?

Tim said...

Can I get one of those overworked, awful SSA jobs? After all, SSA is the ONLY ones that think I can work. By the way, I will give the codes the VE gave to me as for "skills." After all, the Agency and a Federal judge have rulled them "proper." Anybody else would fire me for lying on my resume! Not that I am capable of doing the job, but SSA will accommodate me, right?

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous12:37 PM, December 19, 2018
Its so laughable when I hear OHO and SSA employees bitch and moan about their jobs and constantly talk about wanting to leave the agency. They should walk in my shoes where I put in 10-12 hours at the office, another 1-2 at home most days, and another 8-10 on the weekends."

As an agency employee (or I guess governmental officer now... thanks, Lucia!), I 100% agree with you. The people who complain the most are institutionalized to borrow from Shawshank. Either they're career governmental employees that don't know what the real world is like or they've been one long enough to have forgotten. There is a reason why we've had three reps (now former reps) join our agency in the last few rounds of attorney hiring, and there is a reason I left private practice.

Anonymous said...


That's a great point. We've had several attorneys at our firm take pay cuts to go and work for the agency. I also know of several local reps who did the same. I have yet to see or hear of a single person leave the agency voluntarily and go represent claimants.

Anonymous said...

@ 9:08 PM. What you describe sounds like an OHO I am familiar with. Although based on 10:21's post, this may be happening in numerous places.

I could never give up the flexibility and control I have with my work and life to ever give this up and go to work for the Agency. I'll happily put in the extra hours to not have a boss.

Anonymous said...

@10:21 I know two claimants' reps who used to be decision writers. It's not that uncommon.

Anonymous said...

Some of the commenters on this are horribly petty. What you think about this doesn't really matter. If the President decides to give employees a day off, what does your complaining do for you? Enjoy the day off and spend some time with your family and think about the things that are actually important.