Apr 14, 2023


     The Social Security Advisory Board (SSAB) has issued a 27 page report titled Social Security and State Disability Determination Services Agencies: A Partnership in Need of Attention. It's mostly descriptive. It does say that the DDS's are "struggling" and that " ... the Board believes long-standing frictions between SSA, state governments, and the DDSs call for ongoing review of how SSA and the DDSs work together and how the agency incorporates DDS needs into its overall strategic, performance, workforce, and contingency plans. ..." There's nothing I'd call a recommendation in the report.


Anonymous said...

You can replace all of DDS with AI. Use the money to fund positions at SSA.

Anonymous said...

You would need to program into the AI, guidance for what clinical and diagnostic evidence supports light vs sedentary RFCs. Heck, SSA doesn't even give that guidance to DDS or OHO *now*. You can imagine the class action suits that would result.

Anonymous said...

AI is already doing diagnosis and treatment plans for major hospital systems. Just plug and play.