Sep 10, 2022

How Much Is Joe Biden Receiving In Social Security Benefits?

     We don't have the figure just for the President but Joe and Jill Biden together received $54,665 last year from Social Security or about $4,555 per month.

Sep 9, 2022

What's In A Name?

     Social Security is using Voicemeeter Potato to record Administrative Law Judge hearings.

Sep 8, 2022

Quite A Life 1926 - 2022


SSI Regulatory Proposal Hung Up At OMB

     Before publishing proposed new regulations in the Federal Register for public comments, agencies must obtain the approval of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) at the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). On February 8, some seven months ago, Social Security asked OIRA for approval of proposed regulations that would omit food from consideration as in-kind support and maintenance in computing Supplemental Security Income benefits. This is a not insignificant proposal. The proposal is still pending. That's a long time for a proposed regulation coming from Social Security to stay pending at OIRA. 

    I have no idea what is causing the delay. I don't think this would be a complicated proposal. Anything that would help SSI claimants would be a big deal, though. For decades, Congress has failed to update SSI income and resource limitations.

Sep 7, 2022

Democrats Pound Ron Johnson On Social Security

     I hate to keep harping on it but it's becoming obvious that Senator Ron Johnson's (R-WI) expressed desire to sunset Social Security is becoming a major focus of Democratic efforts to retain control of the Senate after this November's election. See these pieces from Huffpost and Bloomberg.

Sep 6, 2022

Kafkaesque Indeed



    Mark Betancourt has written a piece for Mother Jones magazine titled Inside The Kafkaesque Process For Determining Who Gets Federal Disability Benefits.

     The use of the term “Kafkaesque” may be more apt that Mr. Betancourt realizes. Frans Kafka’s day job was in the related field of what would today be called workers compensation claims.

Sep 5, 2022

Sep 3, 2022

Nevertheless The Lines Are Still There

      From a House Ways and Means Committee press release:

In response to a request from Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard E. Neal (D-MA) and Ranking Member Kevin Brady (R-TX), the Social Security Administration (SSA) has outlined the urgent action field offices have taken to protect visitors from the summer heat. …

In its response, SSA reports that it has already taken a number of steps to address Congress’s concerns about maintaining the health and safety of visitors waiting in lines outside Social Security offices, including:

  • Increasing in-person staff and service options to reduce waiting times at the busiest offices;
  • Assigning some workloads to other offices, to free up the busiest offices for in-person service;
  • Reconfiguring waiting areas to allow more people to enter climate-conditioned waiting areas; and
  • Providing outdoor canopies, fans, and access to bathrooms and water fountains for those waiting outside of offices in the heat.