Feb 26, 2007

Cleveland Plain Dealer Editorial On Backlogs

The Cleveland Plain Dealer has an editorial up about Social Security's backlogs. They take a brave stand against the backlogs.

Here is an interesting sentence from the editorial: "Critics who talk about dynamiting the system and starting anew might just have it right." This is an example of a concern which I have. If Social Security becomes closely linked in the public mind with poor public service, the survival of the whole concept of social insurance is in danger in the United States. Frustration with the Social Security Administration itself could undermine Social Security as a concept. I do not think that those who wish to privatize Social Security are involved in some dark scheme to undermine confidence in the concept of social insurance by crippling public service at the Social Security Administration. They are indifferent to public service at Social Security, but the effect is the same.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Once again, the word "reform" appears, in the Plain-Dealer editorial, when what is needed is staffing.
The time is rapidly approaching whe it will be too late. There are so many seasoned employees planning to leave in the next 3-4 years, that there will be next to no one left to train new employees when or if massive new hiring is authorized.