Jul 13, 2011

Social Security Card Rip-Off

From The Plain Dealer of Cleveland:
More and more people are paying Internet companies to get a new or replacement Social Security card. But that is a service provided for free by the Social Security Administration.

Sites like www.sscardapplication.com and simplefilings.com charge between $19.99 and $44 to prepare your application for a card. That form can be completed and downloaded from the Social Security website, ssa.gov/ssnumber.

"The practices of companies like this may not be criminal, but it is a rip-off," said Solomon Harge, executive director of the Consumer Protection Association of Cleveland. "Having a disclaimer on your website does not absolve them from scamming customers."


Anonymous said...

Sucker born every minute. I'm SSA or the Justice Dept will come in to save the stupid.

Anonymous said...

another day, another example of why people need to be protected from their own stupidity.

Anonymous said...

Yes we just have to get big brother government to protect the stupid, but who is going to protect the rest of us from big brother government.

Anonymous said...

"Yes we just have to get big brother government to protect the stupid, but who is going to protect the rest of us from big brother government."

how is "big brother gov't" involved in this? this was reported by a local newspaper, and had a comment from a non-profit.

Anonymous said...

"how is "big brother gov't" involved in this? this was reported by a local newspaper, and had a comment from a non-profit."

If enough dumb people get ripped off SSA will get involved. I remember a job I had at SSA some years ago was opening mail that was sent to some company that was charging for SSN applications that SSA went after and shut down.