Showing posts with label Social Security Cards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Social Security Cards. Show all posts

Oct 6, 2022

OIG Report Finds Problems With Assigning SSNs

     From a recent report by Social Security's Office of Inspector General (OIG):

... One of SSA’s mission-essential functions is enumeration, the process of assigning SSNs. During the enumeration process, SSA issues a Social Security card (original and any later replacement) to each individual assigned an SSN. In Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 (October 1, 2020 to September 30, 2021), SSA processed approximately 12 million applications for original and replacement SSN cards, which is approximately 1 million fewer than it processed in FY 2020 and 5 million fewer than in FY 2019. We reviewed non-automated enumeration services (in-person and mail-in SSN applications) for original and replacement SSN cards during the COVID-19 pandemic.

SSA staff did not consistently comply with established enumeration policies and procedures or temporary enumeration guidelines, and the Agency did not have adequate controls over managing evidentiary documents submitted to support SSN card applications during the COVID-19 pandemic.

✓ We reviewed a sample of 150 SSN card applications SSA processed between November 2020 and January 2021 and found 41 contained processing errors and 45 contained documentation errors. Based on our sample, we estimated SSA made 188,659 and 128,346 SSN card application processing and documentation errors, respectively.
✓ We reviewed an additional sample of 50 replacement SSN card applications SSA processed between June and September 2021 and found 15 contained processing errors and 19 contained documentation errors.
✓ SSA staff issued multiple SSNs to 27 individuals without cross-referring the SSNs. Therefore, SSA was unaware that each individual had more than one SSN.
✓ Some SSA offices did not report the loss, or suspected loss, of personally identifiable information.
✓ SSA did not have a comprehensive method to track the total number of lost original documents. ...

Apr 8, 2022

First Report On Field Office Reopening

    From WHEC:

For the first time in two years, people could just walk into the Social Security office downtown to try to get someone to help them.

For five months, we've documented all kinds of problems and delays with the agency's phone system and operators, but Thursday the doors opened and we found someone who really needed the access.

I stood on Main Street asking people who walked in without an appointment—how did it go? Some said it was fine. Others were still frustrated. And then I saw a little 7-year-old girl walk out with her mom and considering where they came from, the offices opened at the right time. 

Jenna is 7 years old. She and her mother Yurina and escaped from Ukraine. 

"I'm helping my friends," Viktor Kachaluba said. "They come from Ukraine, like refugee."

This mother and daughter recently came into the United States through Mexico. They came to the Social Security office when it opened today in the hopes of getting a number. ...

Within two hours of opening, about 50 people came to the office and I watched more arrive every minute. 

People waited in the lobby to get escorted to the second floor. 

"I just needed my social security card," Deshawn Terry said. "And the phone lines were tied up so I just decided to come down."

"Yes, I've called numerous times," Ann Randall said. "I've been on hold, ringing for hours." ...

    If you work in a field office, how is reopening going so far?

Apr 3, 2022

SSA To Allow Self-Selection Of Sex

      From a press release:

Kilolo Kijakazi, Acting Commissioner of Social Security, announced that the agency will offer people the choice to self-select their sex on their Social Security number (SSN) record. The agency anticipates this option will be available in the fall of 2022. ...

People who update their sex marker in Social Security’s records will need to apply for a replacement SSN card. They will still need to show a current document to prove their identity, but they will no longer need to provide medical or legal documentation of their sex designation once the policy change becomes effective. SSN cards do not include sex markers. ...

    This appears to be part of a larger Biden Administration effort to ease the lives of transgender Americans.

    Why should Social Security even bother to collect gender information? Prohibitions on same sex marriage used to affect benefits payments but that was external to Social Security and those prohibitions are now gone. Social Security benefit payments themselves have been gender neutral for many decades.

Nov 27, 2021

Social Security Card Delays For Refugees

     From Channel 3000, whatever that is:

Logistical mailing issues have helped delay social security cards for Afghan refugees across the country, with organizations unable to get cards mailed to people because they have similar names to other refugees or have left military bases, says a spokesperson for the U.S. Social Security Administration. …

While refugees have been able to get temporary 30-day food stamp benefits … they’re left without a way to access temporary income or their regular food stamp benefits without social security cards.  …

Oct 10, 2021

What Are The Numbers On The Back Of My Social Security Card?

      Greg Heilman writes about the myths and urban legends surrounding Social Security numbers. 

     I don’t know about numbers on the backs of Social Security cards. The only number on the back of my Social Security card is the form number — but I still have the original card I received at age 16 many years ago. Things have surely changed.

Aug 12, 2021

Legal Immigrants Can Now Get Green Card And Social Security Card At The Same Time

      From the Miami Herald:

One of the first things immigrants in the United States often do right after becoming legal permanent residents is go to a Social Security Administration office to get a new Social Security number or card replacement, which allows its holder to work anywhere in the country without conditions. 

 But starting now, for the first time, all new lawful permanent residents will have a chance to avoid this dual process.

The Biden administration announced on Monday a partnership between the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and the Social Security Administration (SSA) that will allow immigrants to apply for their residence or green cards, as well as their Social Security number (SSN) in one fell swoop. ...

Read more here:

Read more here:

May 27, 2021

Express Interviews

      From Emergency Message EM-21041:

A. Purpose
This Emergency Message (EM) provides Field Offices (FOs) and Social Security Card Centers (SSCCs) information regarding the nationwide implementation of the Express Interview (EXI) process. In addition, this EM provides instructions for scheduling appointments, conducting interviews, and documenting interviews, as part of the EXI process. This process was established to address the challenges the public has faced in providing enumeration and documentary proofs, during the COVID-19 pandemic.

B. Background
Effective May 28, 2021, FOs and SSCCs nationwide will begin offering the new EXI option. EXIs are brief interviews, lasting approximately 5-7 minutes, which allow eligible individuals to apply for an original or replacement Social Security Number (SSN) card and submit necessary evidence in person.

While this initiative is primarily intended to assist customers who need an SSN card, EXIs are also available for purposes of gathering evidence needed for processing claims and other workloads, as well as for individuals who meet certain limited, critical situations.

 C. Express Interview Criteria

In order to qualify for an EXI, individuals must:

    · meet existing limited, critical appointment criteria such as:
        o original cards for individuals age 12 or older;

        o replacement cards for individuals who need to update or correct their information, such as name, date of birth, or citizenship, or to obtain income, resources, medical care or coverage, or other services or benefits (e.g., filing a tax return, applying for housing, or seeking an Economic Impact Payment);

    · be unable to use our automated services (e.g. enumeration at birth, enumeration at entry or enumeration beyond entry) or online SSN replacement card service (iSSNRC).

Individuals also qualify for an EXI if they are unable or unwilling to mail original evidence documents.  ...

Feb 11, 2020

Policy Proposals From President's Budget

     From the portions of  the President's proposed budget concerning Social Security:
  • ... Reduce improper payments caused by barriers for beneficiaries to report income and assets. The Budget proposes to reduce improper payments in disability programs by targeting administrative resources to the development of a uniform system of reporting in mySocialSecurity. This is in addition to instituting a holistic view that provides all beneficiaries’ data, including income and assets, in one electronic location, while simultaneously developing a network of automated processes across other IT platforms for work-related benefit payment adjustments, work continuing disability reviews, redeterminations, and payments to Ticket to Work providers. In addition, future related legislative changes to address the root causes of these improper payments could include requiring suspension of benefits when beneficiaries neglect to report wages and resources, and instituting mandatory training for beneficiaries on reporting requirements prior to receipt of their first benefit checks. These administrative actions would result in $11 billion in outlay savings over 10 years. ... 
  • Increase the overpayment collection threshold for OASDI. The Budget would change the mini-mum monthly withholding amount for recovery of Social Security benefit overpayments to reflect the increase in the average monthly benefit since SSA established the current minimum of $10 in 1960. By changing this amount from $10 to 10 percent of the monthly benefit payable, SSA would recover over-payments more quickly and better fulfill its stew-ardship obligations to the combined Social Security Trust Funds. ... 
  • Simplify administration of the SSI program. The Budget proposes changes to simplify the SSI program by incentivizing support from recipients’ family and friends, reducing SSA’s administrative burden, and streamlining requirements for applicants. SSI benefits are reduced by the amount of food and shelter, or in-kind support and maintenance, a beneficiary receives. The policy is burdensome to administer and is a leading source of SSI improper payments. The Budget proposes to replace the complex calculation of in-kind support and maintenance with a flat rate reduction for adults living with other adults to capture economies of scale. The Budget also proposes to eliminate dedicated accounts for past due benefits and to eliminate the administratively burdensome consideration whether a couple is holding themselves out as married. This proposal costs $13 million over 10 years. ... 
  • Exclude SSA debts from discharge in bankruptcy. Debts due to an overpayment of Social Security benefits are generally dischargeable in bankruptcy. The Budget includes a proposal to exclude such debts from discharge in bankruptcy, except when it would result in an undue hardship. ... 
  • Establish replacement Social Security card fee. The Budget proposes to collect fees on replacement Social Security cards. First-time Social Security cards including cards issued at birth would not be subject to the fee....

May 14, 2019

Appropriations Bill Moves Forward With Many Directives For Social Security

     The House Appropriations Committee has reported out the bill that includes the appropriation for the Social Security Administration's operations. As expected, it includes a $300 million increase for Social Security. This is barely enough to keep up with inflation. The Senate bill is likely to be worse for Social Security.
     As usual, the Committee report on the bill includes a number of directives for the agency, which start at page 228 of the report. This year's bill includes a high number of these directives. Here's a list:
  • Prepare report within 60 days on Administrative Law Judge selection;
  • Include more information in Beneficiary Verification letters;
  • Prepare report on negotiations with employee unions;
  • Encourage proper consideration of headache disorders in determination of disability;
  • Prepare update for Committee on agency's information technology modernization;
  • Brief Committee on mailing paper statements;
  • Prepare report on utilization of Social Security programs by persons suffering from muscular dystrophy;
  • Prepare report on occupational information system project;
  • Prepare proper research designs for all pilot projects and prepare a report on all such pilots;
  • Prepare report within 180 days on improving Disability Determination Services process, including addressing the role of the reconsideration stage;
  • Stop the proposal to charge fees for replacement Social Security cards;
  • Stop pursuing the plan to consider social media postings in determining disability;
  • Strongly urges agency to not proceed with plan for mandatory video hearings;
  • Provide report within 90 days on strengthening vocational expert program;
  • Strongly urges agency to not go forward with proposed regulations that would eliminate inability to communicate in English as factor in determining disability.
     One thing that didn't make this long list is a directive to strongly consider increasing the cap on fees that attorneys and others can charge for representing Social Security claimants.

Apr 14, 2019

Fred Happel’s Place In Social Security History

Happel’s original design
     From Social Security’s website:
Fred Happel of Albany, N.Y. designed the original Social Security card back in 1936. He was commissioned by the Social Security Board to submit three designs, one of which was ultimately selected. Mr. Happel was paid $60 for his work. (Mr. Happel was a skilled artist who also designed the famous "Flying Tigers" logo used by General Chennault's forces during World War II.)

Jun 17, 2018

Who Knew? Limit On Social Security Card Replacement

     I've still got the yellowed Social Security card I got when my mother took me to the local Social Security office at age 16 to get a Social Security number. In those days you didn't get a Social Security number or card at birth; only when you needed to get one to take a job.  It's a good thing I've not been in the habit of losing my Social Security card because Forbes reports that there's a cap on the number of times you can get a new card without jumping through a lot of hoops.

Nov 20, 2015

Replacement Social Security Cards To Be Available Online

     From the Washington Post:
... The Social Security Administration on Thursday announced that Americans who need a replacement [Social Security] card will soon be able to apply for the document online. The process will work for basic card replacements. ...
The program will roll out slowly, first in Wisconsin and Washington state, before spreading to several other states and D.C. ...

Feb 26, 2015

Online Social Security Card Replacement Coming

     From today's Federal Register:
We propose to revise our regulations to allow applicants for a Social Security number (SSN) card to apply by completing a prescribed application and submitting the required evidence, rather than completing a paper Form SS-5, Application for a Social Security Card. We also propose to remove the word ``documentary'' from our description of certain evidence requirements. These changes would provide flexibility in the ways in which the public may request SSN cards and allow us, in the future, to implement an online SSN replacement card application system, which we are currently developing.
    Can this be done securely?

May 8, 2014

Creating A Catch 22 Leading To Loss Of Benefits And Voter Suppression?

     From an e-mail I received:
I am a ... SSA [Social Security Administration] field office employee in Ohio. SSA has initiated the process of deny[ing] numident printouts to individuals (A numident printout is a computer extract of information that is taken from the original application for a Social Security card).
Individuals need these printouts in order to get state ID or Driver license. Additionally individuals use these for HEAP [Home Energy Assistance Program] or Food stamps among other benefits. Individuals now must present photo ID this year [to] SSA to obtain the paper verification. Prior to this year all an individual would do is answer personal identifiable information to the SSA employee to obtain the copy. 
This has created a catch 22 where local motor vehicle bureau require the numident to get an ID but SSA requires a gov't photo ID to get a numident.  The public and field office employees are frustrated by the process.  More cynically, this process will aid in voter suppression, in particular to the urban poor. ...
The urban centers of Ohio delivered the votes for the 2012 election.  New voter restriction/suppression will be directly assisted by numident issuance and office closing. These changes will greatly affect the electorate in Ohio and elsewhere.

Mar 28, 2014

Catch 22

     From First Coast News:
Tanner, 17, was born in Gainesville, Fla. and at one time had a valid Social Security card but lost it. Now, his mother, Wendy Andrews, is trying to get a replacement and discovered it is not as easy as it seems.
"Either you need a school ID which he doesn't have one because he is in private school, or a state ID or a passport," said Andrews,"but in order to get one of those, he needs to have a Social Security card." ... 
Andrews said a replacement card is now critical because of her child's education; he's on a scholarship. "He needs it for his scholarships" she said, "because he's on scholarship so he can attend a private school [because he's autistic]." 
Under Social Security guidelines, you can use a birth certificate to prove your child's age or citizenship but you cannot use it as proof of identity. ...
Andrews said there used to be a Social Security office in Putnam County but that's closed so she has been trying to resolve her problem by phone and that has only added to her frustration. 
 "I never thought it was going to be this hard to get a replacement card," she said," I could see if he had never had a card or he was an illegal alien. I don't understand why they can't just issue him a replacement."

Sep 19, 2013

If It Doesn't Fit, You Must ...

     From KXTV:
Genevieve Catlyn Williamson Heidenreich, wants her entire married name to go on her Social Security card.
But Social Security is saying no. ...
"He said to me, 'it doesn't fit.' And I said, 'what do you mean?' And he said, 'it doesn't fit, the computer won't let me move on,'" Heidenreich explained about her visit to the Sacramento Social Security office. ...
A Social Security representative explained for the agency's purposes, a legal name consists of a first and last name only.
"The first and middle name fields allow 16 characters each and the last name allows 21 characters," the statement added. ...
As for technical limitations, Heidenreich said she can't imagine any reason the process couldn't be changed.

"We're, you know, printing livers on 3D printers and I can't have my name? It's kinda wild."
     And from KHON:
After nearly four years of trying, Ashley Barton became pregnant with her first child, who was born in 2012.
“Her name is Hi’ileikawainohiamaikalohena Barton,” Barton said.
That’s 27 letters, plus the okina, in her baby’s first name as shown on her birth certificate.
But when Barton received her daughter’s Social Security card, she noticed nearly half of her first name was dropped.
“And I asked them, ‘Why is that?’ and they said that there is a limit to how many characters they can put on the Social Security card,” Barton said.
     I've never seen this kind of story before and now there's two of them on the same day? Did something change at Social Security or is this just some bizarre coincidence?

Jul 13, 2011

Social Security Card Rip-Off

From The Plain Dealer of Cleveland:
More and more people are paying Internet companies to get a new or replacement Social Security card. But that is a service provided for free by the Social Security Administration.

Sites like and charge between $19.99 and $44 to prepare your application for a card. That form can be completed and downloaded from the Social Security website,

"The practices of companies like this may not be criminal, but it is a rip-off," said Solomon Harge, executive director of the Consumer Protection Association of Cleveland. "Having a disclaimer on your website does not absolve them from scamming customers."

Apr 22, 2011

Social Security Employee Pleads Guilty

From the Contra Costa Times:

A 29-year employee of the U.S. Social Security Administration office in San Jose has pleaded guilty to illegally creating and selling Social Security cards to more than 25 people she knew were not eligible to receive them.

Rachel Ochoa, 66, of San Jose was arrested at an office in San Jose in November and eventually pleaded guilty to one count of unlawfully producing an identification document -- Social Security cards -- as part of a plea agreement, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.

Recipients of the cards were illegal immigrants who paid from $2,500 to $5,000 to obtain them, according to an affidavit by the FBI. ...

Ochoa is scheduled to be sentenced on July 18 and is facing a maximum term of five years in prison and a $250,000 fine, according to the Department of Justice.

Oct 2, 2008

SSNs Off Medicare Cards?

Below is a legislative bulletin from Social Security, but please notice the footnote.

On September 29, 2008, the House suspended the rules and passed H.R. 6600, the “Medicare Identity Theft Prevention Act of 2008,” by voice vote. The bill now goes to the Senate. 1

Provisions of interest to the Social Security Administration are described below.

• Would require the Secretary of Health and Human Services, in consultation with the Commissioner, to establish cost-effective procedures to ensure that Social Security numbers (SSNs) or derivatives thereof would not be displayed on or embedded in Medicare cards.

• Would be effective with respect to Medicare cards issued on or after the effective date determined by the Secretary but in no case would such a date be later than 24 months after the date adequate funding is provided (see penultimate bullet below).

• Would provide that all Medicare cards with SSNs be reissued under the new requirements no later that 3 years after effective date specified above.

• Would allow individuals to apply for reissuance of Medicare cards before the general reissuance effective date under exceptional circumstances as the Secretary would specify.

• Would require the Secretary, in consultation with the Commissioner, to develop an outreach program about the new Medicare cards.

• Would require the Secretary, in consultation with the Commissioner, to submit a report to Congress with options for implementation of the requirements, including costs estimates and justifications of the costs associated with each option. The report would be required no later than 1 year after enactment.

• Would provide that the requirements would not take effect until adequate funding is provided.

• Would authorize, after the report is submitted, appropriations to the Secretary and Commissioner for administrative expenses for each of the 5 fiscal years related to implementation of the bill.

1 It is unclear as of the date of this Bulletin whether the Senate will take action on the bill before the 110th Congress adjourns.