Mar 12, 2009

Now You Can Say It

The Social Security Administration has released Major Strategic Accomplishments Fiscal Year 2008. It looks like something prepared in anticipation of upcoming Congressional hearings.

Click on the thumbnail on this page to take a look at a page from the document. Aren't those charts striking? Could they have been released a year or two years ago when they might have done more good?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In regard to staffing levels, I was struck by the beneficiary numbers vs. number of FTE's chart. It made an X, where the Benes keep going up and the FTE's keep going down.

Organizations such as NCSSMA and NCPSSM have been hollering about this for years--nothing happens. Now, for the first time since Carter's hiring freeze in the '70's, the administration actually listened. I still can't believe it. There's gotta be some catch.