Dec 20, 2017

A Small Sign Of A Vastly Larger Problem

     I thought I'd point out that Donald Trump was inaugurated President eleven months ago today but his official photo is still not hanging in federal offices, like Social Security. This isn't because of some dastardly plot to disrespect our esteemed leader. It's because the Trump White House is so disorganized that it hasn't selected an official portrait photo to distribute to federal offices!


Anonymous said...

His Picture hangs in the VA in Tampa Florida.

Anonymous said...

Fake Social Security News? Well, at least, inaccurate.
Press release dated 10/31/2017 says otherwise.

Anonymous said...

It's not in Greenville, MS.

Anonymous said...

"Trump White House is so disorganized that it hasn't selected an official portrait photo"
Really now, the Trump Administration is not disorganized, it is busy working for the American people while those same people throw up obstacles and road blocks to try to stop him and discredit him.

I also do not appreciate the unflattering photo of him. HE gave up the life of a Billionaire, donated his presidential salary, and all people do is keep riding the hate horse.

Anonymous said...

@3:00 PM. If only he would release his tax returns and we could verify whether your statement that he is a billionaire is true. The only American people DJT is working for are the elite who fund the coffers of the GOP and hate groups. My stomach turns every time I hear his name.

Is the hate horse the same one Roy Moore rode to the polls? Oh wait, I think that horse was named sassy, like little girls can get. Something Roy knows very well.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 4:25 PM wholeheartedly. Also, 3:00PM, The Not-A-Billionaire rode the Hate Horse into the WH & then let the horse sh*t all over the american people.

I LOVE the picture.

Anonymous said...

I love how you capitalized "Billionaire". Is that a more prestigious title than President of the United States? I guess they do buy and sell our Presidents now. Also, how exactly did he give that up? He has done less to remove himself from his money and business affairs than any president in our history. I agree he definitely knows how to ride the hate horse, just look at Charlottesville. He does appear to have a soft spot for white supremacists though.

Anonymous said...

FROM: 3:00 PM, December 20, 2017

It seems obvious that the majority of the readers of this blog are far left democrats who simply hate Trump because that is what they were brainwashed into doing. I guess their love of the dishonest, perpetual liar, racist (read the facts, do the research), and greedy (pay to play)H. Clinton fuels their anger of Trump even more. Well they say that God works in mysterious ways, and so I guess that Satan does as well, which makes me wonder if it is in fact brainwashing or some type of demonic possession.

Donald Trump is working for the men and women of this country, and by separating himself from the establishment has left himself open to all sorts of slime slithering from underneath all of the Washington DC rocks.

I just saw Democrat Chuck Schumer in Congress making a speech about how the trump Tax Cuts would not help the American worker, and how AT&T did not pay enough taxes and how these tax cuts would not trickle down to the American worker...REALLY...AT&T just announce a $1000 bonus for all non-management employees and a promise to invest 1 Billion more than expected in the U.S. once the tax cuts are final.

Boeing, Comcast, Wells Fargo, and many more companies are making similar announcements about pay raises, workplace enhancements, and large investments in the U.S., and so the Democrats will keep saying that it is Armageddon as Nancy Pelosi said about the tax cuts if they passed.

Two years ago the SSDI Trust fund, ran out of money to pay full benefits. The fix was a transfer from OASDI to SSDI which is projected to last 7 years, with the provision that the money has to be paid back and that it pretty much will be the last transfer of its kind. Well I should have 5 years left before I become homeless (and yes a 21% cut would definitely do that to me), but now with Trump there are more people working and paying their SS taxes and so that 5 years is now pushed out.

The conclusion is that the Democrats strategy is to intimidate people into thinking that everything the Republicans do is evil. That is ridiculous, and although I am not necessarily a big fan of the Republican party either, I am a fan of President Donald Trump. Just look at the unemployment rate, the Stock Market, Home Ownership, and the GDP since he took over. Now compare that to the Obama years. Also please take a close look at how much DEBT Obama added to the National Debt.

So, if you want more lies, and TAX TAX TAX SPEND SPEND SPEND, then by all means feel free to hate the President.

PS: I have some friends who are not well off and cannot afford health insurance and those same friends have had to pay a yearly FINE to the government for that fact. Now with the Individual Mandate removed they can use that “fine” money that Obama demanded and use it for their health expenses.

I certainly hope that this last message is posted; I will check for it but will not post gain, as it seems to fall on deaf ears.

Oh, and by the way, it is nice to see the White House say Merry Christmas and not the Christian hating Happy Holidays.

Anonymous said...

I for one am quite happy that his picture isn't up yet. Hearings are stressful enough without having to deal with that BS on my way into the building.

Anonymous said...

The official portrait was released 10/31/2017 so this post is incorrect
12:47 you can never win an argument with a person filled with hate no sense even trying. My life has not changed in this last year for better or worse if you examine yours I do not believe Mr. Trump has affected most people, the only thing that has changed is my 401k has increased by about 30%.

Anonymous said...

The photos went up this week.

Anonymous said...

Uh, 3pm anon...Trump is not bringing the unemployment rate down like Obama did.

You can't trust alternative facts from trump supporters.