Dec 20, 2023

Off Topic For A Slow News Day

     Maybe I’m just confessing that I was ignorant until recently but that song, "Winter Wonderland"that you’ve heard hundreds, if not thousands of times, what's it about? If your answer is "Well, it's about the pleasures of walking in the snow" you're not completely right. Here's part of the lyrics:

In the meadow we can build a snowman,
Then pretend that he is Parson Brown
He'll say: Are you married?
We'll say: No man,
But you can do the job
When you're in town.

Later on, we'll conspire,
As we dream by the fire
To face unafraid,
The plans that we've made,
Walking in a winter wonderland.
    The song tells a story about a couple becoming engaged to be married or at least contemplating it seriously. Did you know that? I’ll admit that I didn't until recently. Of course, I have a bit of excuse. We've often heard it with different lyrics that don't include Parson Brown and conspiring by the fire but you hear it both ways. I think that most times I hear it, the romantic content is there.
    Anyway, that song, at least as originally written, isn't quite as sappy as I had thought.


Anonymous said...

An excellent example of what songwriters call a bridge (creates a contrast in the song by taking you somewhere else lyrically and/or musically).

Anonymous said...

I remember being struck by that lyric some years back. It took me a while to sort it out as well.

Anonymous said...

I hope you pay more attention to the medical records you review if you have missed this for literally decades.