I often wonder whether we do not rest our hopes too much upon constitutions, upon laws and upon courts. These are false hopes; believe me, these are false hopes. Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women; when it dies there, no constitution, no law, no court can even do much to help it.
— Judge Learned Hand
How does tax cuts help social security? How does tariffs lower cost of living for SSA beneficiaries? I prey for a severe recession under this president-elect otherwise democrats have no chance in the near future. Many ordinary voters made a huge mistake.
He was elected again in large part by people he disparaged and promised to deport and treat like subhuman third-class trash. I hope they learn something from the misery they’re about to endure. I wish they could’ve avoided it, but we get what we deserve when we choose to assume the person we’re electing won’t do all of the things they’ve done in the past and promised to do again.
The public has voted and we are okay with a dictator in the White House that doesn’t plan on leaving. Buckle your seat belts since we are in a ride of our lives.
Message to federal employees…rent and don’t buy since Elon Musk will be going on a cut costing spree.
How can anyone wish a recession on our country?
@ 9:49 AM, November 06, 2024
Sometimes it takes pain to make the brain smarter.
Now that we know the outcome, is it time to say “O’Malley had a nice run?” I want him to stay. He is making real change, but does anyone see that happening? He wants money, he wasn’t appointed by Trump, and revenge is a pillar of the new administration. Three strikes.
Love the doomsday predictions 2.0.
Sun came up today. Windmills still need to be tilted. I will work to do the best for my clients and myself. Prices go up, prices go down, presidents come and go, wait times go up and wait times go down, i remember 999 day claims. Sometimes its harder, sometimes its easier. The people have spoken, loudly. Accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Teleworking for SSA employees will be a distant memory. Enjoy it while it lasts.
Congratulations on being on the fifth stage of grief.
Trump went from convicted felon to McDonald’s worker to President of the United States of America. He is an inspiration to claimants everywhere that the American dream can be achieved.
Yes TW is gone and brace ourselves for in office appointments. Anything else they can figure out to make our lives he’ll, count on it! In my office of 12 people, I can guarantee 9 voted for the orange one. I am close to retirement so I will be ok. There is always Panama!
Why is it that all the Trump bashing is allowed on here, but if you say anything not positive about the current administration, it doesn't get posted? The people spoke. Get over yourselves.
Why so much concern about telework? What evidence suggests telework would change due to the election? I don't see the connection. Sure If Trump listens to Elon (Tesla employees had to go back to the office), there may be some merit to that thought, but I'm not aware of anything Trump has ever specifically said that would lead to a stance concerning telework.
This all changes in 2025.
House Republicans regained a majority in 2022 with ambitious plans to curtail the widespread remote work arrangements adopted by federal employees since the onset of COVID-19. However, as the 118th Congress nears the end of productive work and election season gets underway, their efforts appear to have yielded little progress.
@6:59 I could not agree more.
Telework is unlikely to change. O'Malley-Biden stripped away telework benefits for many employees and they are back in the office, many even more than before the pandemic. Biden's Chief of Staff demanded it supposedly because his bagel shop needed more customers.
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