Dec 21, 2024

Goss Retiring


    Stephen Goss is retiring as Social Security’s Chief Actuary. He has been a public servant for 51 years. Republicans have complained about Goss over the years, basically because he told them the truth rather than the fantasies they like to believe. I fear that a right wing nut job will replace him.


Anonymous said...

I fear that a right wing nut job will replace him.

Right wing nut job? That clown line goes out the door!

Anonymous said...

Wow Charles. Whoever thought someone could make an actuary political? You truly don't miss an opportunity. Regardless, Merry Christmas to you and the firm.

Anonymous said...

He was an exceptional public servant

Anonymous said...

Steve’s a good guy. I don’t always understand how he and his staff come up with their cost estimates, but they’re always based on the best data the agency has. I hope that’s still the case when Trump replaces him.

Anonymous said...

Well, if the propeller hat fits.....

Anonymous said...

Stephen Goss was very good. He will be difficult to replace.

Anonymous said...

@10:48 The Chief Actuary is not a political appointee of the POTUS. By law, it is a career level appointment (SES) made by the COSS. Also, the Office of the Chief Actuary is non-partisan as you can see that Mr. Goss has worked alongside numerous administrations from both sides of the aisle.

Anonymous said...

The Chief Actuary WAS not a political appointee. That may no longer be true.

Dave Hatfield said...

Steve is an absolute Social Security legend. One of the most competent people I have ever met. His incredible institutional knowledge will be missed, and he will be very difficult to replace.