Showing posts with label Full Retirement Age. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Full Retirement Age. Show all posts

Mar 30, 2024

"The Stupidest Thing I Ever Heard"

     From The Hill:

Republicans are battling among themselves over whether to push reforms to reduce Social Security spending, with some conservatives rallying around the idea of raising the retirement age. ...

But others in the party warn that talking about delaying Social Security benefits in an election year is political malpractice and would give Democrats a golden opportunity to accuse GOP candidates of wanting to cut Social Security.

“Horrible idea. Totally opposed to this,” Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) said of raising the retirement age, even for people who don’t plan to retire soon.

“What a terrible idea. If Republicans want to be in the minority party forever, then go ahead and endorse that,” he said. “Republicans are so stupid. If they want to go to working people and say, ‘Congratulations, you have paid into this your whole life — your payroll taxes — and now we’re going to take part of it away from you. We’re going to make you work even longer than we said beforehand,’ I just think that’s the stupidest thing I ever heard.”

Republican calls to reform Social Security got fresh attention when the House Republican Study Committee (RSC), which includes more than 170 GOP lawmakers, released a budget plan this week calling for “modest adjustments to the retirement age for future retirees to account for increases in life expectancy.” ...

Senate Republican Whip John Thune (S.D.), who is running to become the next Senate GOP leader, said Thursday he’s sympathetic with conservatives who want to raise the retirement age, even though it could blow up in Republicans faces in this year’s election. ...

Mar 23, 2024

Believe Them When They Keep Telling You Where They Stand

     From Bloomberg:

... The Republican Study Committee, which comprises about 80% of House Republicans, called for the Social Security eligibility age to be tied to life expectancy in its fiscal 2025 budget proposal. It also suggests reducing benefits for top earners who aren’t near retirement, including a phase-out of auxiliary benefits for the highest earners. ...

Feb 1, 2024

Trying To Undermine Social Security From The Inside

     From Alex Lawson, writing for Common Dreams:

Mitch McConnell and his fellow Republicans have a problem. They hate Social Security, because it is popular, effective, and doesn’t make any money for their billionaire donors. But their voters love Social Security. Ninety-four percent of Republicans oppose benefit cuts.

McConnell understands the political dangers of being openly hostile to Social Security. So instead, he is plotting to sabotage it from within. The latest instrument of that sabotage is Andrew Biggs, a senior fellow at the billionaire-funded American Enterprise Institute. Biggs is McConnell’s pick to serve on the Social Security Advisory Board (SSAB) ...

Biggs served as an associate commissioner of Social Security under former President George W. Bush and was instrumental in Bush’s push to privatize Social Security. ...

Biggs supports raising the retirement age, and has testified before Congress that people should work longer. ...

Biggs also wants to turn Social Security from an earned benefit into a poverty-level flat benefit. That means huge cuts for middle class workers who’ve been paying into the program their entire lives. It would destroy Social Security’s political popularity by turning it into a welfare program—a sitting duck for Republicans to make even larger cuts. ...

     Biggs came under serious criticism at the hearing on his nomination.

    The good thing about this nomination is that the SSAB isn't much of a platform from which to launch attacks on Social Security. For better or worse, it's pretty obscure. Also, while Republicans like to talk about privatizing Social Security, raising the retirement age or turning it into something they can deride as "welfare," they have virtually no interest in actually doing anything along these lines.

Nov 18, 2023

Reactions To NYT Editorial On Raising Retirement Age

      Readers react to the recent New York Times editorial calling raising the Social Security retirement age.

     By the way, my response is: That’s so not happening!

Nov 9, 2023

Republican Presidential Candidates Call For Means-Testing Social Security -- And More

     At last night's Republican Presidential debate candidate Chris Christie called for means-testing Title II Social Security benefits, comparing them to Food Stamps. He also wanted to increase full retirement age, although he didn't specify how high he wanted to go. In addition, his challenger, Nikki Haley urged changes in cost of living adjustments.

    As someone once said, "A program for poor people is a poor program." (By the way, who said that? I don't remember.)