Aug 5, 2009
IARP Survey On Social Security's Proposed Occupational Information System
It is good to see that IARP is keeping a tab on OIDAP's work. Somebody needs to. OIDAP's work sounds horribly technical, but the ultimate result of what OIDAP is doing could be far more or far fewer Social Security disability claims being approved -- and I would not bet on the outcome being far more claims approved.
I have this fear that most of those involved at OIDAP either do not care what happens to Social Security disability claimants or that most of those involved believe that Social Security disability benefits are almost unnecessary or undesirable because they naively think that almost any disabled person can be rehabilitated. However, I remind myself that it looks like Social Security had already made all the key decisions before OIDAP ever started meeting and that those decisions will delay any action that will affect any Social Security claimant until after Michael Astrue leaves office. Perhaps, delaying any tough decision until after Astrue leaves office is the real point of OIDAP.
Aug 4, 2009
OIG Says ODAR Will Meet Its Goals -- If ...
At the end of May 2009, over 750,000 hearings were pending in ODAR [Office of Disability Adjudication and Review], and the average processing time was 494 days. As outlined in its Fiscal Year (FY) 2008 2013 Strategic Plan, the Social Security Administration (SSA) plans to reduce the number of pending hearings to a desired level of 466,000 and the average processing time to 270 days by FY 2013. According to SSA, a pending level of 466,000 hearings ensures a sufficient number of cases to maximize the efficiency of the hearings process.
The Acting Deputy Commissioner of SSA asked that we evaluate the impact of ODAR's current MI [Management Information] and ODAR's proposals on its ability to reduce the backlog to the desired pending level. To address his request, we examined the workload ODAR would need to complete to process projected hearing requests and reduce the backlog to the desired pending level by FY 2013; identified MI currently available for officials to manage ODAR's workload, any reported shortfalls in available MI, and any reported shortfalls in the use of the MI to manage effectively; and reviewed ODAR's proposals, along with their potential impact on (1) addressing any shortfalls in ODAR's existing MI and (2) the likelihood SSA will meet its goal of reducing the backlog to the desired pending level by FY 2013. ...
Regardless of whether the FY 2010 proposals are approved, it appears SSA will achieve the desired pending hearings level by FY 2013 based on the currently projected level of receipts. Specifically, if SSA follows its current administrative law judge (ALJ) hiring plan and the current average ALJ productivity level remains constant, ODAR's pending hearing level should fall below 466,000. However, the timing of ALJ hiring will impact ODAR's ability to achieve this desired pending level. Therefore, SSA should continue to work with the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to ensure ALJs are hired within the planned time frames.
WIPA Bill Passes House
From the Capitol Insider put out by the Disability Policy Collaboration:
On July 28, the House of Representatives passed the WIPA and PABSS Reauthorization Act of 2009, H.R. 3325, which was introduced by House Ways and Means Social Security Subcommittee Chairman John Tanner (D-TN) and Income Security Subcommittee Chairman Jim McDermott (D-WA). The bill amends the Social Security Act to extend through Fiscal Year 2010 the authorization of appropriations for the Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA) and the Protection and Advocacy for Beneficiaries of Social Security (PABSS) programs. The WIPA and PABSS programs were established by the Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act to assist Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security disability program beneficiaries with information about existing work incentives, benefits planning, and decisions about work and providing advocacy that beneficiaries may need to secure, regain, or maintain gainful employment.
Hearing Backlog Reduction Update Booklets
Social Security Seeks OMB Approval For Three Final Rules
... revise our rules regarding payment of representative fees to allow representatives, in certain cases, to charge and receive a fee for their services from certain third parties without requiring our approval. We also plan to eliminate the requirement that we approve fees for legal guardians or court-appointed representatives providing representational services in claims before us if a court has already authorized their fees. Lastly, we plan to define "legal guardians or court-appointed representatives."
How Many Of You Knew About This?
People who use social networking websites know that it can be exciting to reconnect with long lost friends and relatives over the Internet. Such surprise connections can be fun and conjure up memories of times forgotten. But what if you have a more serious situation and you need to locate a particular person? Perhaps Social Security can help.
Social Security is in the business of paying benefits, not reconnecting people. But, in some cases, we will do what we can to help.
We will attempt to forward a letter to a missing person under circumstances involving a matter of great importance, such as a death or serious illness in the missing person's immediate family, or a sizeable amount of money that is due the missing person. Also, the circumstances must concern a matter about which the missing person is unaware and would undoubtedly want to be informed.
In less dire cases, such as when a son, daughter, brother or sister want to establish contact, we will write to the missing person, rather than forwarding a letter.
Because this service is not related in any way to a Social Security program, its use must be limited so that it does not interfere with our regular program activities.
There is no charge for forwarding letters that have a humanitarian purpose. However, we must charge a $25 fee to cover our costs when the letter is to inform the missing person of money or property due. This fee is not refundable. The fee should be paid by a check made payable to the Social Security Administration.
We must read each letter we forward to ensure that it contains nothing that could prove embarrassing to the missing person if read by a third party. Letters should be in plain, unstamped, unsealed envelopes showing only the missing person's name. Nothing of value should be enclosed.
To try to locate an address in our records, we'll need the missing person's Social Security number or identifying information such as date and place of birth, father's name, and the mother's full birth name.
Unless a missing person is receiving benefits under a program Social Security administers, we would not have a home address for them. Usually, we forward a letter in care of the employer who most recently reported earnings for the person.
Requests for letter forwarding should be sent to: Social Security Administration, Letter Forwarding, P.O. Box 33022, Baltimore, MD 21290-3022.
Learn more about this service at
Daniel Bowline is district manager for the Social Security Administration in Lufkin.