From the
Midland, MI Daily News:
Social Security has cut the number of monthly visitations to the Midland County Contact Station in half.
Midland residents will only be able to meet with a Social Security Administration representative twice a month on the second and fourth Tuesdays ...
The move was made April 19, according to Cynthia Edwards, Social Security public affairs specialist in Flint.
“With more people utilizing Social Security online and our automated telephone services, and visiting the local Social Security offices in both Saginaw and Bay City, there have been fewer visitors to the Midland contact station,” said Edwards, explaining the reduction. “And due to the options provided to the public and the reduction in Midland visitors, the decision to cut back in Midland was made.” ...
Edwards said Midland is not the only city effected by the current budget situation. There have been other Social Security offices in Michigan that have reduced their hours of operation or the days of service to their contact stations.
“It is anticipated this will have little impact on the Midland community,” Edwards said.
Maybe there's been a decrease in demand in Midland but I'm pretty sure the real reason for this cut was lack of an adequate operating budget at Social Security. And that crack about "little impact"! I doubt that the good citizens of Midland appreciate that.