Jan 17, 2023

Jan 15, 2023

Gotta Get 7 On Your Side!

      Five trips to a Social Security field office didn’t solve a family’s Social Security problem but one call from a TV station does. Funny how that works.

Jan 14, 2023

Scary Scene In St. Louis

     A woman threatened to shoot up a Social Security field office in St. Louis on Friday. She ended up exchanging gunfire with law enforcement officers. Thank goodness this didn’t happen in the Social Security field office.

Jan 13, 2023

A Simple Suggestion

     It's been my impression over the years that Social Security always practices "fast tracking" to some extent. By "fast tracking" I'm talking about processing the simplest things first, the ones that take little time, in order to generate good production numbers. 

    "Fast tracking" seems to be out of hand now. Why is Social Security processing retirement claims almost immediately while taking six months to do windfall offsets? I'm seeing workloads of more complex matters at the field offices and payment centers that have been put off and put off in the apparent hope that there will be time later to work on them. Many of these delayed cases became complicated because someone at Social Security made a mistake that needs to be corrected. These delayed cases are now at crisis levels. I don't see a surge of overtime to take care of these cases anytime in the next two years.

    Isn't it time to say "stop!" Delay the routine processing of easy cases a bit. Take care of the horrible backlogs of more complicated matters and then get back to the routine cases. If a retirement claimant has to wait an extra month for first payment of benefits, so what? Why should that retirement claimant have his or her case processed quickly just because it's easy? You can't keep putting off windfall offsets and other complicated matters forever. Sooner or later the field offices and payment centers will have to take care of them. Quit worrying about the stats and take care of the claimants who have waited the longest.  It's the fair thing to do.

Jan 12, 2023

The Never Ending Eric Conn Story

     From WYMT:

Victims of Eric C. Conn could see their social security benefits re-instated thanks to an agreement between the Social Security Administration and a local attorney.

Prestonsburg attorney Ned Pillersdorf, who has been advocating for many former clients of Conn’s in their battles with the SSA over the past several years, announced on Facebook Monday night that the “historic agreement” with the administration means that many of the 500 former clients could see their benefits reinstated if they request new hearings.

If the clients prevail in the hearings, they could see up to six years worth of back pay that could collectively total tens of millions of dollars. ...

    When will it be time for Social Security to just throw up its hands on this? The whole thing is an impossible mess created by  agency over-reaching. Of course, there was misconduct by a few people in Kentucky but the Social Security Administration didn't have to throw out all its rules and commonsense in responding to what happened.

Jan 11, 2023

OHO Backlog Growing

     Social Security has released operating statistics for its Office of Hearings Operations through the end of 2022. Click on the image to view full size.

Jan 10, 2023

New Disability Claims Filed Up Slightly But Number Awarded Benefits Continues Decline

     Social Security has posted numbers through the end of 2022 showing how many people filed disability claims, how many of those claims reached a Disability Determination Service (DDS) for adjudication and how many were approved. Note that the number of claims filed and the number reaching DDS went up slightly but the number of awards went down. How come? Serious problems at DDS units around the country.

Jan 9, 2023

Boring To Most Readers But Essential To Some

      Social Security is changing its rules to centralize acceptance of legal process. To explain, Social Security gets sued many thousands of time a year. The vast majority are appeals in disability cases. If you sue someone, you have to tell them they've been sued. This can be referred to as "legal process." Up to this point, where you sent the legal process depended upon where the lawsuit was filed. Now, they will all be sent to the same place. This has to do with changes at Social Security's Office of General Counsel (OGC) but also with changes in the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. This change will appear in the Federal Register (where official federal announcements are published) tomorrow.