Dec 27, 2023

Past Time For Social Security To Do Something About Its Occupational Data Problem

      David Weaver, a former Social Security official, has written a piece for The Hill urging that incoming Social Security Commissioner O’Malley do something about the agency’s reliance on occupational data that is more than 40 years old in making determinations on disability claims. 

     I can only guess at what has been going on behind the scenes. My guess is that the agency would love to rely upon contemporary occupational data, as long as it doesn’t change who gets approved and who gets denied. They’re particularly terrified of using data that leads to more claims being approved. My strong suspicion is that updated data would show that too many claims are being denied. Am I being unfair to those involved at Social Security? Maybe, but they always have the option of giving a coherent explanation for all the delay. Instead, they keep everything top secret. Who wouldn’t have dark suspicions about what’s been going on?


Dec 26, 2023

This Doesn’t Sound Good

      One in four Social Security recipients reports having received an overpayment.

The Aftermath


Dec 25, 2023

Dec 24, 2023

Dec 23, 2023

NYT On SSA Overpayments

      The New York Times has a piece up on Social Security’s overpayment problem and its brutal effects on claimants.