Jul 7, 2013

What A Deal!

     From the National Journal (emphasis added):
With an anxious eye toward the coming debt-ceiling negotiations, House Republicans are drafting what members call a “menu” of mandatory spending cuts to offer the White House in exchange for raising the country’s borrowing limit.
This menu is more a matrix of politically fraught options for the Obama administration to consider: Go small on cuts and get a short extension of the debt ceiling. Go big – by agreeing to privatize Social Security, for example – and get a deal that will raise the ceiling for the rest of Obama’s term.
     For a more modest medium range extension of the budget ceiling, all Obama would have to agree to is ending Medicaid.


Anonymous said...

Why don't we just raise the debt ceiling, give every American a million dollars and cut all the low income programs?

Oh that's right, because the majority of them would burn through the money in a heartbeat and then complain they're broke, old or disabled and have no one to care for them!

Giving things away almost never works. People need to be responsible and earn what they have. I understand not everyone (100%) can do that, but giving money away in the form of entitlements do freely is just not going to benefit society in the long run, it can't. I'm not for cutting everything, but I am for meaningful reform.

Anonymous said...

I'm with 12:22. I'm tired of giving money away to people who don't want to work. If bedridden old ladies in nursing homes or infants born to impoverished moms refuse to be responsible and earn what they have, then I say let them starve. FREEDOM!

Anonymous said...

Zero out the war machine. Zero out the NSA. Zero out the TSA. Zero out DHS.

Problem solved.

Anonymous said...

Who said anything about bed ridden old ladies? Infants born to impoverished moms, well that's no business of the federal government anyway. If you can't afford them, don't have them!

Anonymous said...

@ 12:32

Since that choice is up to the child, right?


Anonymous said...

Then remove them from the home and place them in some institution. Look, of you want to give money away, flush it down the toilet, by all means you're entitled to hold that opinion. I would prefer people be held responsible and accountable whenever possible, that's my opinion.

Is it the child's fault they were born to an unfit mother - no. Do you want that unfit mother raising that child? I don't.

The problem with most people who lean to the left is they don't want to make hard decisions. They want to just pretend everything will be okay. Reforms to programs that "help" people are going to hurt some and help others. But, the goal should be to do what's best in the long term, not today.

Anonymous said...

At the state level, the first place cuts occur are to social programs, which include the social programs that fund foster care, and now you want to wholesale take kids away from parents in order to save money? And, who decides what constitutes unfit? Do we get a whole new bureaucracy to make these decisions, too?

Anonymous said...

Here's an idea. Why don't we use that money were giving to the unfit mothers to fund the foster programs? Take the child and the money away from the unfit source.

Mind you, I never stated all low income government dependent families have unfit mothers, that was your broad stroke. Which brings me back to my original point about the leftists - YOU CAN'T SAVE EVERYONE!

Anonymous said...

Pick any pan handler off your local freeway and personally give him $100 every week. Do it for as long as you like. Check the results, you think he's going to be off the street working a job because of the money you gave, or do you think he's going to be waiting at that off ramp every week with his hand out looking for you? I'm guessing the latter is the safe bet.

You can't base goverment policy on the hopes of saving everyone. The policies should make the programs sustainable and solvent. That goes for any programs, not just SSA. Instead, the government (both parties) make stupid decisions. Just like the new Obamacare subsidy. Gone away are the screening guidelines, in is the honor system. REALLY? Who thought that was a good idea?

Anonymous said...

It would really save our country if all of the incredibly self-righteous idiots who commented would pay their taxes at pre-Regan rates and stop demonizing the less fortunate.

Anonymous said...

It would also help if we didn't have to pay for those that take care of themselves. If they payed taxes maybe it even out.

Why is someone who wants fiscal responsibility self-righteous?

So easy to call names rather than come up with any meaningful dialogue.

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