A local TV station reports that the Social Security Administration is working on the hearing backlog at one of the worst hit offices, Buffalo, but can we expect improvement nationally? Social Security says it will hire 200 more Administrative Law Judges (ALJs) this year and 250 in each of the next two years, which sounds like a lot, but is that enough to even take care of ordinary turnover as ALJs retire, quit and die, much less enough to improve the situation nationally?
if you lost a nickel on every cheeseburger you sell the answer is not to sell more cheeseburgers but to find a better way to make cheeseburgers.
Yep...cheaper meat and fake cheese products! Now instead of losing a nickel, you making a profit!
@10:10 I believe the poster said a better way, not a cheaper way.
Higher quality ingredients means a better product, creating more demand for it, and driving up the price you can charge. Even if it costs more to make, you can charge more and actually make a profit.
Better isn't cheaper
However, since profit is absent in this equation, better "ingredients" equals better product equals...???
Better service on the front end (DDS) is cheaper than the premium service ($$$) on the back end and the backlog times will decrease.com
DDS are state employees, not federal. My understanding is they are already upset they make much less than they believe they should. Higher state taxes???
Interesting trivia: Buffalo is the office in which the new AALJ president, Marilyn Zahm, is located.
What is the 20 year costs of adding 450 ALJs?
I was aware of this, and initially when I saw Charles' headline I thought that she had left that office, lol
I wouldn't work in that office (as a non-ALJ) if you tripled my salary.
DDS workers are state workers that are completely federally funded.
...which is stupid
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