May 29, 2020

Former Chairman Of House Social Security Subcommittee Passes

     Sam Johnson, the former Chairman of the House Social Security Subcommittee, has passed away at the age of 89.
     Johnson was not a big supporter of Social Security. As an example, in 2016 he introduced a bill to cut Social Security benefits, add means testing and raise full retirement age to 69.


Anonymous said...

At least he held hearings. The current chair holds fewer hearings than anybody at OCALJ....

Anonymous said...

Was in no way in favor of Johnson's legislation. It would have been a retirement security disaster if adopted.

But pretty sure the first line of his obit should be that he survived 7 years as a prison of war and later went on to become a Member of Congress.

Dave Hatfield said...

I had the pleasure of meeting Chairman Johnson seven years ago when I testified before his committee regarding Social Security Disability Policy.
I was a little in awe of him, knowing about his legendary service in the Armed Forces, including 7 years as a POW in North Vietnam (of which 42 months were in solitary confinement). He was incredibly gracious and in short, treated all of us on the panel with politeness and kindness.

Anonymous said...

I can honor his service to our country and consider him a hero while, at the same time, disagreeing with his attempts to gut Social Security.

It must have been difficult for him to serve under a President who did not like him and did not think he was a war hero. Here is what the president (then candidate) said:

“He’s not a war hero,” said Trump. “He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

From what people are saying, Rep Johnson was a fine man. He and his fellow POW's certainly deserved better than he got from current Commander in Chief. RIP.

Anonymous said...

Social Security is one of the pillars of our system that has made America great since FDR and the New Deal. With our social fabric literally tearing before us it is more important than ever as a great American institution that has helped widows, children, retirees and the disabled. How dare you right wing billionaires, libertarian extremists and racist fascists attack this great American Institution. Rest in peace Mr Johnson and I'm sorry your own president didn't consider you a hero, but I'm glad you failed in your efforts against social security. You obviously didn't understand it's importance.

Tim said...

5:58 PM Trump said this about John McCain, not Johnson. McCain was (is) a controversial person among Republicans. There is plenty of room for praise AND criticism of McCain.
Sam Johnson, on the other hand, had as much to praise him about, but without McCain's baggage. However, Johnson did have "Overcomer's Pride Disorder." Meaning, those who believe, "Look what I have overcome, why can't you?" The problem with this thinking is that people with disabilities have different disabilities, different abilities and different abilities to cope. Then, you need the right opportunity. How many deaf AND blind people can become Helen Keller? As for Sam Johnson, I'm sure some people on SSDI could perform the job of Congressman at a level and competency of the average member of Congress with the average number of days "worked," etc. if given the opportunity. However, less than 1000 of those jobs exist in the national economy.