Sep 11, 2024

OHO Caseload Analysis Report

     A statistical report from Social Security on performance at its Office of Hearings Operations:

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Anonymous said...

I understand the desire to reward high performing attorneys with promotions. But can the agency really not find something more useful for them to do than adjudicate cases at about 1% of the rate ALJs adjudicate cases at?

Anonymous said...

There is only one small team of senior attorneys that adjudicates claims. The rest of the senior attorneys keep quite busy handling other things like drafting complex decisions, screening some cases for possible on-the-record decisions, training and mentoring stuff, and, of course, "other duties as assigned."

Anonymous said...

/high performing attorney looking around for a promotion for the past 5 years

Anonymous said...

You seem to be describing my role as an AA within an NHC...didn't know my duties were reserved for an SAA!