Sep 27, 2024

This Is Going To Be A Trip For Those Of You Who Have Never Watched John Oliver Before


Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting this. While parts were clearly funny, parts of it were way too close to home. Almost PTSD inducing. It took me 6 years and 2 ALJs to get approved for progressively worsening conditions I had been struggling with for nearly 30 years before my initial application, and well documented for 20. And, I think this okay with much of the population on both the left and the right. The right are afraid "their" money is going to someone "who needs to try harder," while the left has a vibe of "jealousy..." Meaning they are afraid someone will get a benefit that they probably won't.

Anonymous said...

No. The right are afraid some rich blue-blooded raisin won’t have quite as much money to spend on private school tuition, yachts and donations to the GOP and its affiliated groups. The left wants to help but can’t seem to get past its idiotic notion that they’ll win over a significant number of GOP devotees if they’ll just start pissing off their own base and “owning the libs” a bit like their counterparts across the isle so love to do. Both sides suck harder than a hoover. But, at least one isn’t motivated by sheer greed and spitefulness.