Oct 26, 2024
NADE Newsletter
Jul 23, 2024
NADE Newsletter
Jun 8, 2024
NADE Newsletter
Jul 30, 2023
NADE Newsletter
May 28, 2023
NADE Newsletter
The National Association of Disability Examiners (NADE), an organization of the personnel who make initial and reconsideration determinations on Social Security disability claims, has issued its Spring 2023 newsletter. There’s information about a couple of meetings they’ve had with agency officials.
May 29, 2022
Not That Many Claimants Asking For Congressional Help
From a Social Security newsletter:
... Our Congressional Constituent Relations Staff (CCRS) expedites critical caseworkand special handling requests and inquiries from district, State, and Capitol Hill offices. ...
In FY 2021, CCRS assisted with over 6,600 congressional staff inquiries. This includes thework of our Congressional Liaison office, which took over 330 claims and post-entitlementactions, responded to almost 1,700 congressional and public inquiries, and handled over100 direct contacts with current and former Members of Congress. ...
May 5, 2022
NADE Newsletter
The National Association of Disability Examiners (NADE), a voluntary organization of personnel who make initial and reconsideration determinations on disability claims for the Social Security Administration, has released its Spring 2022 newsletter. Almost all NADE members work for state governments who handle disability determination for Social Security at the first two levels of review. The states do the work under contract with Social Security. I won't bother explaining why states do this work but it goes back to the very beginning of disability determination for Social Security.
There's a lot more in this newsletter that will be of interest beyond the NADE membership but here's a little nugget from a summary of a presentation by Grace Kim, Deputy Commissioner of Operations and some other SSA officials at NADE's mid-year meeting, "... to date in FY22, the [Disability Determination Service employee] attrition rate has increased in the examiner positions from 19.8% last fiscal year and is on track to hit 24.4% this fiscal year. ..." That is a staggeringly high turnover rate. I'm an employer. I don't know how you get complex work done with that high a turnover rate -- and yes, disability examiners do complex work. This is a big red flag telling us that something is very wrong and needs urgent attention.
Dec 28, 2021
IMAGEN How Skeptical I Am
The National Association of Disability Examiners (NADE), a voluntary organization of the personnel who make initial and reconsideration determinations on disability claims for the Social Security Administration, has released its Winter 2021 Newsletter. Among other things it discusses a video conference held in September, particularly a presentation on IMAGEN, which is:
... a tool for reviewing evidence. It has a search engine for specific types of data like pathology reports, diagnoses and listing level labs. It recognizes synonyms, acronyms and abbreviations. It can suggest listings for analysis. In a case with thousands of pages, it can scan for whatever you ask it to. It’s been rolled out in 17 states so far. ...
When claimant medical and related evidence is received, IMAGEN transforms the evidence in real-time, into machine-readable text that enables enhanced search capabilities and intelligent analysis of medical record content. The medical evidence is analyzed to identify key clinical findings using a robust clinical vocabulary specialized for SSA's disability adjudication needs. This enables the identification of severe medical impairments (step 2 of sequential evaluation) which are then mapped directly to SSA's established diagnosis codes and SSA's Disability Listings (step 3 of sequential evaluation). Specific dated encounters and reports are also identified in the evidence, allowing the user to organize the evidence by section types (inpatient, out-patient), report types (MRI, Pathology, Post-operative, etc.), and chronologically. In upcoming releases, IMAGEN will be able to identify content in the medical record that relates directly to the claim-ant's physical function and mobility, as used in steps 4 and 5 of the disability sequential evaluation. IMAGEN currently supports Initial and Reconsideration level disability claims. ...
IMAGEN has a cadre of representatives from multiple components, including ODP, ODD, DDS, OHO, and OQR that provide feedback, which allows the IMAGEN team to continue to refine and improve IMAGEN's user interface, predictive analytics and other features. ...
Jun 13, 2021
NADE Newsletter
The National Association of Disability Examiners (NADE), a voluntary organization of employees who make disability determinations for Social Security at the initial and reconsideration levels, has released its Summer 2021 newsletter.
Feb 8, 2020
NADE Newsletter
Oct 21, 2019
New Occupational Information System To Be Tested Soon?
... The replacement for the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) is nearing completion. This new version, the Occupational Information System (OIS) is a collection of occupational-related data from multiple sources, which will be accessed through an online platform called the Vocational Information Tool (VIT). Testing of the OIS/VIS systems will begin in October 2019 with a focus group using the data in the development of vocational assessments in 5,000 that will be reviewed as part of a case study. ...I would caution readers that Social Security has been promising for years that a new OIS is just around the corner. Later in the same issue of the NADE newsletter, there’s this from a summary of remarks made by Gail Ennis, Social Security’s Inspector General:
... Ennis reported on the upcoming Vocational Information Tool. The initial implementation was targeted for fiscal year 2020. She noted a prior report on SSA's actions in updating the Department of Labor's Dictionary of Occupational Titles. She reported that a company had been contracted to build a Vocational Information Tool that would house Occupational Information System. She stated that SSA did not accurately capture all information needed for disability determinations, including the mental demands of work, as well as the current diverse occupational fields. SSA plans to update the system in FY 2024 and at that time, this information should be included. SSA intends to update the Occupational Informational System every five years. ...
Jul 13, 2019
NADE Newsletter
Reduction in 15 Year Work History: Due to vast changes in the occupational landscape, it is unfair current regulations allow claims to be denied on the basis claimants have an ability to perform a job they performed previously but which no longer exists, or a job they would no longer recognize.
Apr 5, 2019
Nuggets From NADE Newsletter
... Disability Modernization: This is an initiative to update our vocational regulations to reflect changes in medical and vocational practice, technology, and the work force.
SSA [Social Security Administration] is in the early stages of studying cases to learn the impact of potential Vocational Rules Modernization (VRM) policy updates.
The agency will use this information to develop and publish a notice of proposed rulemaking. ...And here's a nugget from a write-up of a meeting with Grace Kim, Acting Deputy Commissioner of Operations and John Owen, Associate Commissioner for the Office of Disability Determinations:
A tool being developed for disability adjudicators in the DDS [Disability Determination Services] and currently being piloted in the Iowa DDS is the IMAGEN (Intelligent Medical-Language Analysis GENeration) tool. IMAGINE is a tool to visualize, alert, summarize, search and more easily identify relevant clinical content in medical records. IMAGEN provides decisional guidance and enables disability adjudicators to leverage various machine learning technologies and predictive analytics to support data driven decisions.This program will eventually incorporate other Artificial Intelligence (AI) functions and have the ability to learn new information, adapt and evolve.
Mar 20, 2019
OHO Processing Time Report
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