Social Security has posted an updated dataset giving the average processing time at each of its hearing offices. Here's the list of the offices with the top ten longest processing time, in days:
- San Juan 864
- National Hearing Center Chicago 820
- New York 772
- Buffalo 764
- Bronx 760
- Philadelphia 756
- National Hearing Center Falls Church 755
- Queens 738
- South Jersey 736
- Miami 725
Note that using the average number may understate the problem. Cases that are quickly dismissed because a request for hearing was filed too late go into that average. The typical case that actually goes to hearing will take longer than the stated average.
Here's a list of the top ten shortest processing time, again in days:
- Providence 325
- Boston 352
- Houston North 360
- Manchester 375
- Portland, ME 400
- Dallas North 428
- Oklahoma City 431
- Fort Smith 434
- Springfield, MA 434
- Middlesboro 436
It looks like things are going very nicely in Social Security's Boston Region, which has five of the top ten best offices, while things are going very badly next door in Social Security's New York region, which has six of the top ten worst offices. Why such big differences between regions? I thought that once we had video hearings these differences would go away.