May 6, 2018

How To Deal With An Overpayment

     So, who should you call when Social Security stops your checks because THEY made a mistake? Your local TV station, of course. You certainly can't expect the agency to resolve the issue or tell you what to do.

May 5, 2018

Wave Of The Future?

     The Glenwood Springs, Colorado Social Security field office is moving to a new location. With the move, the hours that the office will be open to the public will be 9:00 am to noon Monday through Friday. Previously, the office, like other Social Security field offices in recent years, had been closed to the public only on Wednesday afternoons.

May 4, 2018

New Proposed Musculoskeletal Listings Out

     Social Security is publishing proposed new musculoskeletal Listings in the Federal Register on Monday. You can read them today. They're 169 pages long!

Another D.C. Area Field Office Closing

     I'm hearing that the Baltimore North Social Security field office will be closed.

May 3, 2018

Great New Idea!

     A law professor has a great new idea. Why don't we pay for Trump's wall on the Mexican border by taking money out of the Social Security Trust Funds? It's only fair. Many undocumented migrants from Mexico have paid into those Trust Funds but will never draw benefits because they worked under phony Social Security numbers. Who could object to taking that money out of the Trust Funds to pay for the wall?

May 2, 2018

Why Does This Vary So Greatly?

From a data file released by Social Security

May 1, 2018

Haven't Had Time To Get Around To It?

     If I remember correctly, since 1982 claimants who are facing the termination of their Social Security disability benefits on the grounds that they have medically improved have been able to ask that their disability benefits be continued while they appeal the decision to an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). Even though it's been more than 30 years, Social Security still has no form for asking for benefit continuation. Various field offices have cobbled together their own forms or just do something ad hoc for each case but there's no official form. Why?

Apr 30, 2018

A Basic Question

     Why does the online claim form for Supplemental Security Income disability benefits used internally by Social Security request the date that disability began? You can't get benefits until the month after the month you file the claim. An alleged onset date prior to the date of the claim is meaningless. Yes, I suppose an alleged onset date before a prior denial is an implied request to reopen but the claimant can always make an express request to reopen. I keep getting Administrative Law Judges being concerned about an SSI alleged onset date that goes back several years and I have to keep saying we regard that as of no consequence, that we'll amend to the date of the claim since it makes no difference. But why does the form even request an alleged onset date? The paper form, which is rarely used these days, doesn't request an alleged onset date so why should the computer based form?