Sep 11, 2023

Headcount Inches Up

    The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has posted updated numbers showing the headcount of employees at each agency. Note that these numbers do not tell the whole story. They don't account for part time employees nor for overtime. Overtime is a huge part of the story at Social Security. A Full Time Equivalent (FTE) report would cover that but we seldom see FTE reports.  Here are Social Security's numbers as of March with earlier headcount numbers for comparison:

  • March, 2023  59,400
  • December, 2022 58,916
  • September, 2022 57,754
  • June, 2022 58,332
  • March, 2022 59,257
  • December, 2021 60,422
  • September, 2021 59,808
  • June 2021 59,707
  • March 2021 60,675
  • December 2020 61,816
  • September 2020 61,447
  • June 2020 60,515
  • March 2020 60,659
  • December 2019 61,969
  • December 2018 62,946
  • December 2017 62,777
  • December 2016 63,364
  • December 2015 65,518
  • December 2014 65,430
  • December 2013 61,957
  • December 2012 64,538
  • December 2010 70,270
  • December 2009 67,486
  • December 2008 63,733

Sep 10, 2023

A Golden Oldie

      It’s a slow time in Social Security world so let me reprise a post from almost ten years ago. The themes coming from shills have changed but the problem hasn’t gone away. I’ve become quicker to delete comments that look phony to me. I do note comments now that appear to me to come from employee unions but it’s hard to tell since there are obvious reasons why many Social Security employees agree with union talking points.

Bombarding This Blog — From November 8, 2013

If you read the comments posted on this blog you might come to the impression that everyone knows that:
  • Social Security employees do most of their "work" from at home but they don't really work because they're all lazy. The agency has way too many employees.
  • Social Security's Administrative Law Judges are particularly lazy. They approve Social Security disability claims because they're lazy. A lot of the judges are crooks in cahoots with crooked disability claimants and their crooked attorneys.
  • Most Social Security disability claimants are just crooks trying to scam the program.
  • It's way too easy to get on Social Security disability benefits, especially for "mental illness." Anyone can get on Social Security disability benefits for "mental illness" just by pretending to be crazy.
  • SSI child's benefits are the biggest scam. It's nothing but lazy, drug addicted mothers coaching their kids to act crazy. They get child after child on SSI child's benefits and then steal the money to support their drug habits.
  • Attorneys who represent Social Security claimants are lazy. They're paid huge sums of money by Social Security but they do nothing for their clients. If anything, they're just crooks who assist their crooked clients in perpetrating fraud.
  • There is no money in the Social Security trust funds. The money was all stolen by Democrats. The U.S. government bonds that are supposed to be in the trust funds are meaningless pieces of paper.
  • Social Security is going bankrupt.You'll never get back the money you paid in. It's all a scam.
     Some of this comes from individuals legitimately expressing their opinions. However, it's long been apparent to me that most of this is coming from people who have been paid to post online comments about Social Security. Often, these people pretend to be Social Security employees, Social Security claimants or Social Security attorneys. Often, their comments just don't ring true because they're pretending to be someone they're not.
     Does it seem outlandish, even paranoid to think that someone would be paid to post slanted comments online? Take a look at this article from the Baltimore Sun. Officials at the University of Maryland had a problem. They wanted to shift the University's athletic programs from the Atlantic Coast Conference to the Big Ten. They knew that many of the University's alumni would be furious with this move. Here's what they did:
Brian Ullmann, the university's assistant vice president for marketing and communications ... wrote that the school planned to "engage professional assistance in helping to drop positive messages into the blogs, comments and message board sites. I will arrange for this service today." ...
Lee Zeidman, the corporate communications consultant who helped Maryland draft letters and talking points, said Wednesday that it is "standard operating procedure" in the business world to weigh in directly on message boards. "There are special PR agencies who work in the digital space who bombard blogs and newspaper sites where no one puts their name," Zeidman said.
     Who would pay online shills to post on Social Security issues? Pete Peterson and the Koch brothers are the prime candidates. They're tossing around tens of millions of dollars in their fight against Social Security. They certainly wouldn't be going after just this blog. It's quite unlikely they know anything about it. They would mostly be going after message boards at news media sites. However, I don't know that there's any other web site quite like this one where there's an ongoing discussion on Social Security issues. If you're doing an online campaign to malign Social Security both as a social program and as an agency, you're going to come here.
    I wonder how someone who works as an online shill would feel about their job. Would it make them proud? Would they tell their children about what they do for a living?

Sep 8, 2023

New Regs In The Works

    After a long break, the Social Security Administration is advancing proposed regulations. The agency has now asked the Office of Management and Budget to approve regulations to "implement the Commissioner’s access to and use of wage and employment information held by payroll data providers ...  to help  administer the title II Disability Insurance (DI) and title XVI Supplemental Security Income (SSI) programs and prevent improper payments."

Sep 7, 2023

SSAB Supports O'Malley Nomination

     The four members of the Social Security Advisory Board, two of them Democratic appointees and two of them Republican appointees, have written to the Chairman and Ranking member of the Senate Finance Committee recommending swift approval of Martin O'Malley's nomination to become Commissioner of Social Security. 

    They also recommended that the six year terms for Social Security Commissioners end and that they serve at the pleasure of the President. I think it is beyond dispute that six year terms for Social Security Commissioners has been a bad idea which has led to the near impossibility of confirming Commissioners. In any case, due to recent Supreme Court rulings, Commissioners, in effect, serve at the pleasure of the President anyway.

    Let's get on with it. Endless Acting Commissioners aren't good for the agency.

Sep 5, 2023

Administering SSI Is Difficult

     From a recent report by Social Security's Office of Inspector General (OIG):

... Homes that SSI applicants and recipients own and reside in do not count toward SSI resource limits. The current market values of any properties other than their owned primary residences, referred to as non-home real properties (NHRP), are generally considered countable resources for SSI eligibility purposes.

In 2017, SSA introduced an electronic search application that employees are required to use in most cases to identify applicants’ and recipients’ real-property information. We reviewed 400 applicants/recipients who had real properties identified through the search application. Of these, properties were a determining factor for SSI eligibility and payments in 122 cases.

SSA employees did not accurately determine property ownership and/or values for 17 (14 percent) of 122 SSI applicants/recipients. As a result, applicants were possibly denied SSI when they should not have been, and recipients received SSI payments for which they were not eligible. Of the 17 applicants/recipients:

  • 4 applicants may have been incorrectly denied SSI. SSA needs to further develop these cases to verify the applicants’ SSI eligibility, and
  • 13 recipients received over $180,000 in SSI payments for which they were not eligible.We determined employees did not correctly determine the applicants’/recipients’ countable resources, including reviewing for prior ownership. In addition, SSA employees did not add required documentation in SSA’s records to support their real-property determinations for these 17, and 43 other, cases.

We project 1,204 applicants may have been improperly denied SSI eligibility, and 35,885 recipients were improperly paid because SSA employees made inaccurate real-property determinations. ...

Sep 4, 2023

Labor Day 1956


The expansion of Social Security was the creation of Disability Insurance benefits.

Sep 2, 2023

More Union Support For O'Malley Nomination

     From Government Executive:

A coalition of 35 labor unions that represent federal workers last week joined the chorus of stakeholders endorsing former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley to serve as commissioner of the Social Security Administration and urged senators to move quickly to confirm him to his post.

The Federal Workers Alliance, which consists of a variety of labor groups collectively representing more than 550,000 federal workers and postal employees, including the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers, the National Federation of Federal Employees and the National Treasury Employees Union, announced their support in an Aug. 25 letter to senators. ...

Sep 1, 2023

AI And White Collar Social Security Jobs: Part III

     Here's the third and final installment in my series on what Chat GPT can do in a Social Security context.

Request: Write a 10 line poem in blank verse on the subject of Social Security

Chat GPT Response:

Amidst life's journey, a safety net unfurls,

Social Security, a promise held firm.

A shelter for the elders, time's weathered crew,

Their toil remembered, their dignity due.

A woven tapestry of care and grace,

Support in twilight years, a steadfast embrace.

Contributions sown as seeds for the age,

Harvested in retirement, a just wage.

Through cycles and years, its shield endures,

Social Security, a nation's pledge secures

    I'd call this impressive. Of course, if you read anything about Chat GPT you’ll quickly learn about the app’s ability to write poetry. For me, I couldn't write even one couplet in blank verse. One of the questions I ask my clients is "Do you have any hobbies?" It never ceases to amaze me that a not insignificant number of people answer "Writing poetry" and some of those people lack even a high school education. I think there's a poetry gene that I didn't inherit.