Aug 1, 2010

Refugees To Lose Benefits

From the New York Times:
The Social Security Administration is about to terminate cash assistance for thousands of indigent refugees who are severely disabled or over the age of 64.

“You will lose your Supplemental Security Income on Oct. 1,” the agency says in letters being mailed to more than 3,800 refugees.

All fled persecution or torture. Many are too old or infirm to work and are not yet eligible to become United States citizens.

Federal law sets a seven-year limit on payments to refugees. ...

The extra eligibility period is now ending, and Congress has not taken action to extend it.


Anonymous said...

Spending on non-citizens is social security's problem. Another problem is paying cash benefits for minors which is the parent responsibility. Another problem is the $100,000+ salaries.

Anonymous said...

Why is the federal government giving all this money to individuals that never worked a day in this country. The last time I checked this country is in financial trouble. We need an immigration policy that accepts individuals from other countries that will contribute to this country. Accepting refugee's and asylee's is also acceptable but we should bring in what we can afford to help. This country is in no position to solve the world's problems.

Anonymous said...

So what should happen to refugees who arrive in a country with zero assets and unfamiliarity with the culture and job skills that are inconsistent with our economy and no family to take care of them? Shoot 'em at the dock? Allow them to be homeless and starve in the United States? If we won't take care of them and they can't take care of themselves, then they should not be admitted to the US.

As a true refugee, they are fleeing some sort of persecution (otherwise they wouldn't be a refugee) so they leave their home country with nothing.

However, I do think 7 years is sufficient time to learn enough rudimentary English and American culture to understand how to perform menial tasks that are necessary for the US society. So, I don't have a problem with paying some SSI to refugees. There was actually a 2 year extension for some refugees who were attempting to become naturalized US citizens.

Anonymous said...

SSI payments do not come from the trust fund. Rather, they are paid from general revenues. As noted above, and in the article, these are legitimate refugees. Many are elderly, disabled, etc. They haven't been able and aren't able to work..

And stop already with the salary bit.