Aug 12, 2010

A Badge Of Seriousness

From Paul Krugman's blog:
A lot of the Beltway establishment has a thing about Social Security — in a way, by the way, they don’t have a thing about Medicare, which is a vastly more important long-run problem. No matter how much you talk logic or numbers, they’re obsessed with the idea that Social Security must be cut; as I wrote back when, somewhere back in the 90s talking tough on Social Security became a badge of seriousness, and facts just can’t make a dent in that social convention.

1 comment:

Bruce Webb said...

Well beyond the 'Badge of Seriousness' thing, which is a real problem among media types and Democrats who ought to know better, is the real motivator for the attacks on Social Security.

The biggest fear among the ideological right (as opposed to those who are simply anti-tax) is that Social Security will be judged to be as successful as it is popular.

Very interesting polling released this week showing that even younger workers who don't expect Social Security to be there for them, still support it in large numbers. If they can just be brought to a true understanding of the state of SS's finances in real terms even in the out-years I believe there will be a backlash against those who have systematically distorted the issue for decades.

Or at least I hope so. But until that seriousness badge is discredited it will be difficult to cut through the noise to the signal.