Feb 15, 2009

"Looting" Social Security

William Greider of The Nation has posted a piece claiming that President Obama is planning to "loot" Social Security or maybe he thinks that Obama will just get hoodwinked into "looting" Social Security. It is a hard to tell what he thinks.

What I think is that the piece is beyond alarmist and may be all the way to paranoid. Of course, those on the right provide a counterpoint by claiming that a Social Security catastrophe is at hand and the only way to save Social Security is to destroy Social Security as we have known it.


Anonymous said...

He's a little late, Social Security was looted long ago. Plus how can the almighty Obama be fooled by mere mortals. Maybe the Republicans will hold of some Kryptonite. LOL

Anonymous said...

I commented on Mr.Greider's article on Alternet. I pointed out that various of his assertions are inaccurate and his overall conclusions are speculative. However, any vague statements about "reforming entitlements" are bound to evoke responses of this type.