Jun 15, 2013

New Policy On Gender Reassignments

     From the National Center for Transgender Equality:
In June 2013 [actually just yesterday], the Social Security Administration (SSA) announced a new policy to for updating Social Security records to reflect a person’s gender identity. Under the new policy, a transgender person can change their gender on their Social Security records by submitting either government-issued documentation reflecting a change, or a certification from a physician confirming that they have had appropriate clinical treatment for gender transition. This policy replaces SSA’s old policy, which required documentation of sex reassignment surgery.
     Note that this new policy does not increase or decrease anyone's Social Security benefits.


Anonymous said...

where's the policy that says gender confusion is NOT a disabling impairment.

I see too many claimant's that seek disability, primarily for self-esteem/social issues related to problems caused by their gender confusion.

While I agree that it may be a difficult issue emotionally, it's not something that would prevent the performance of unskilled work activity.

Anonymous said...

@2:01 PM: Let's do a test. Let's see you pluck your eyebrows, shave your body, dress as a woman, and then go to work as usual. If it's an unskilled job, you get bonus points, because the coworkers will tend to be meaner and less understanding. Also make some stops and use public restrooms. Which one is up to you to decide, but try not to get hurt or arrested.

And if you're feeling depressed during the test, please refrain from joining the approximately 45% of transgender people that commit suicide.

P.S: Don't forget your blood tests, because those hormone meds can play hell on your liver.

Anonymous said...

All may be true but still not an excuse not to work. Be a telemarketer and work from home!!!

On second thought, maybe you could commit a crime, go to prison, have the tax payers pay for your expensive surgery, then get out apply for disability. You may even find your soulmate there.

Better yet, work for the government.

Anonymous said...

1. Gender identity disorder in and of itself shouldn't be a disabling condition, as it doesn't (I don't think) produce limiting effects on RFC.

2. Peoples reactions to you don't, or shouldn't count.

3. I'm guessing those with GID generally have a number of co-morbid conditions that could be disabling.

4. Is sarcasm about people struggling with this really helpful?


Anonymous said...

The famous "just work from home" response, huh?

I'm guessing you're aware that Yahoo recently terminated "work from home" for all its employees, right?

But relax, those millions still lick stamps and stuffing envelopes for the big bucks at their kitchen tables are still keeping the economy going.

Commit a crime, go to prison? And get AIDS from the sexual assaults. Now that would certainly add a disabling reason, but according to folks like you, again, while disabling, having AIDS in itself is still no reason not to be working.

So, no test takers then?

Anonymous said...

I didn't read anywhere where it said they had to work for yahoo. When I look at my caller ID each evening when I get home, it appears telemarketing is still a viable option.

I had no idea that having AIDS made it impossible to work. Having said that, I do not wish that on anyone. I'm sure if you can't afford the astronomical medications disability would most certainly be an option. Will Obama Care cover AIDS? If so, then meds may be available soon for those less fortunate.

Going to prison and being sexually assaulted is also unfortunate but not a disability. I think most people manage to stay out if prison and for good reasons.

The bottom line is that transgendered individuals aren't disabled, they're just "different". Just like homosexuals are not disabled, they're different.

Hall & Rouse, P.C. said...

I'm going to close comments on this one since the discussion is getting too far afield. The original post has nothing to do with disability. It's only about a database entry for gender in SSA's records.