Aug 30, 2022

OIG Report On Agile Software Development

     Social Security's Office of Inspector General (OIG) has issued a report on Agile Software Development at the Social Security Administration. The report is a major snore as far as I'm concerned. Those directly involved may have other opinions. Mostly, I'm posting about it because OIG is getting so few reports out these days.  Also, news is very slow in Social Security world as we approach Labor Day.


Anonymous said...

Can we please update the online application? There should be auto fill for usual addresses and phone numbers. Like other sites. I am so tired of filling in the same information every single time I help someone with their application.

I don't even get to the reports that they should be publishing on a regular basis.

Are they still using COBOL?

Anonymous said...

I'm a T16 CS and it's extremely obvious that nobody who uses these programs has a say in designing them. The amount of time an SSI claim takes has literally doubled over the last year since they started moving everything into their "it's the same crap, but in a much slower web browser" program CCE. Every single one of us in SSI hates it with a passion.