Social Security's Office of Inspector General (OIG), particularly the Inspector General herself, has been in the
news lately. OIG has been having trouble getting work out the door recently or, at least, posting notice of the work. OIG has posted
zero reports online since May 26. Mostly the reports are studies of agency operations with recommendations. By contrast, here are the number of reports posted online in June and July of recent years:
- 2021 -- 13
- 2020 -- 11
- 2019 -- 11
- 2018 -- 14
Not surprised OA productivity has tanked. IG Ennis and the executives she brought in don’t know how to run an audit office and don’t know how to give guidance to OA staff that is clear and understandable. They just keep saying that IG wants “bigger” audits or IG wants “global” audits. But when you ask what that means, you just hear crickets…
The five OIG agents I knew and had helped on cases were all gone the last time I checked earlier this year.
Is anybody left there?
They can't get reports out because of their onerous top down review process. Now they are making up reports for audits they didn't conduct just to increase the number of reports they issue.
It seems like OIG needs to be investigated. Why Biden didn't clean house of the Trump appointees is absolutely baffling.
The CIGIE website appears to be out of date. SSA OIG’s website shows five issued audit reports during this period. See It’s still lower than the past, but not as bad as noted.
There is exactly one OIG agent in our ENTIRE STATE now. And, even then, he is splitting his time with the CDI unit.
I know that staffing issues are causing this. All of the working agents who could leave have rushed the boats, leaving the sinking ship to the over-educated and under-performing idiots in charge who don't have a clue about how to accomplish anything except talk in undecipherable riddles.
Dante Alighieri could have had a ball giving SSAOIG the "Divine Comedy" treatment. I can't help but wonder which circle of hell he would have assigned it to....
I heard the IG is starting her "Improve Morale Tour" by traveling to offices across the nation. I always found it comical that SES executives were so impressed with themselves that they think the field offices have any interest in their visits. The total opposite, their visits are a pain in the butt especially dealing with their unearned egos. Kissing up to executives & spending your family evening time entertaining them is not what employees want. All employees want in today's workforce are the tools to do their jobs & executives that have common sense & confidence in them doing their jobs without micromanaging. That's the lesson executives need to learn.
@7:36pm Sadly, most of the SES executives are absolutely clueless.
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