Jul 14, 2024

Online Accounts Changing

     From a press release:

Today the Social Security Administration announced that customers who created an online account (e.g., my Social Security account) before September 18, 2021, will soon be required to transition to a Login.gov account to continue access to their online services. Over five million of these account holders have already transitioned to Login.gov.

The agency is making the changes to simplify the sign-in experience and align with federal authentication standards while providing safe and secure access to online services. ...


Anonymous said...

Providing safe and secure access to online services. ...

Don’t make me laugh! There is no such thing! Ask AT&T about the latest hack to its customers.

Anonymous said...

Data Breach Statistics
2021 broke records with a reported 1,291 breaches between January 1st and September 30th in the United States, indicating a 17% increase from the number of cyber breach incidences in 2020. In the entirety of 2023, there were 3,205 breaches impacting over 350 million people.

Anonymous said...

I signed up for the login.gov account, but it doesn't work. I provide my e-mail and password, it sends the one-time code, which I enter, and it just sends me back to the login page.

Anonymous said...

The elderly and disabled already have enough problems enrolling with the old system. The new system is likely to be even more confusing for them.

Anonymous said...

Login.gov effectively serves as a master key to a person’s personal data at multiple government agencies. Gee, I cannot see how that could go wrong. . .

Anonymous said...

I signed up for a mySSA account when they first came out. I've never used it, and I never will.