Sep 30, 2024

CDRs To Resume

     Social Security is resuming Continuing Disability Reviews (CDRs) in October for the new federal fiscal year. The CDRs had been suspended due to the huge backlog of cases awaiting a decision on initial claims. Resuming CDRs is likely to slow down Disability Determination Services (DDS) work on initial claims.


Anonymous said...

SSA management solution to all problems is to INCREASE workloads? This week we should be notified on how many furloughed days we will be getting. Overtime is nonexistent in our office. I have no clue how management thinks this is a spectacular idea.

Anonymous said...

Since the CDR approval rate is 90%, continue cessation until FY 2026 and catch up with the backlog. Like momma said 'Use what you got wisely". said...

I don't understand this, the initial and reconsideration backlog hasn't even begun to move!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the America that Trump and your GOP have been dreaming up for decades- where being poor and homeless is a crime punishable by imprisonment, and where it’s more important to determine whether you’re in the 10% of recipients who have made a significant recovery than it is to help you avoid poverty and death if you happen to have become disabled since the dawn of this new austere right-wing wet dream.

As your dear orange leader loves to say: Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Are furloughs now a given? If so sorry to hear that for the SSA staff, any idea when they will make a public announcement?