Sep 25, 2024

I Don't Understand

     I recently received the message reproduced below. I'm sure that other attorneys who represent claimants have received the same message.

    It sounds as if I and my firm need to file new forms SSA-1694 (registration of law firm or other entity) and SSA-1699 (registration of individual attorney or representative) and need to start using a new form SSA-1696 (appointment of representative). The thing is that when I look online for these new forms, all I find are old versions of the forms. Does Social Security intend to issue new versions of these forms? Why would they send out a mass e-mail like this when they haven't completed the new forms yet?

    When I think about the "changes" that have been announced, I can't figure out why new forms would be required anyway since the "changes" seems to amount to little more than lip service to a federal court decision.

social security administration

Changes to Rules for Claimant Representation and Provisions for Direct Payment to Entities

On August 21, 2024, we published a final rule, Changes to the Administrative Rules for Claimant Representation and Provisions for Direct Payment to Entities, in the Federal Register. We’ve made changes to our regulations to allow representatives of Social Security claimants to assign direct payment of their authorized fees to an entity with which they are affiliated. We will implement this final rule in two phases. To learn more about both phases, including requirements for representatives and entities, please visit our webpage: Here are some key changes:  

  • Starting September 30, 2024, anyone who has not previously registered with us and who wants to be appointed as a representative must register with us using Form SSA-1699 (Representative Registration) before we will recognize a new appointment request.   
  • Starting December 9, 2024, representatives must use Form SSA-1696 (Claimant’s Appointment of a Representative) for new or updated appointments.   
  • Starting December 9, 2024, consistent with Marasco & Nesselbush, LLP v. Collins, 6 F.4th 150 (1st Cir. 2021), we will directly pay authorized fees to a registered entity when a representative assigns direct payment of their fee to that entity.      

Generally, for direct payment to an entity:   

  • The entity must register with us using our revised Form SSA-1694 (Entity Registration and Taxpayer Information).    
  • The representative must register with us and affiliate with the entity using Form SSA-1699 (Representative Registration).   
  • The representative must assign direct payment of the fee to the entity using the revised Form SSA-1696 (Claimant’s Appointment of a Representative).    
  • The representative and the entity must both be eligible for direct payment.   

Please share this information with other interested parties. We appreciate your support.   


Anonymous said...

“ Why would they send out a mass e-mail like this when they haven't completed the new forms yet?”

lol it’s almost like you’re an employee. Management is aloof and often announces policy changes before even notifying employees or sending out guidance about changes to employees. Not sure why this surprises anyone.

Anonymous said...

The document under the "learn more" link is quite clear. The new forms will be up on 9/ and in December, respectively. If you used the current forms, you won't have to re-submit.

Anonymous said...

They sent out the email to provide you with advance notice of the upcoming change. They didn’t wait for the new forms because, as the email clearly explains, they won’t be needed until a later date, and won’t be needed in cases where the current 1696 and 1699 forms have already been submitted.

I other words, you’re getting mad at them for trying to give you more notice.

Anonymous said...

I'm an attorney with a firm for years, and we never got this email

Anonymous said...

Uh, it isn't effective until 09/30/24. As a result, the new forms probably aren't yet available.