Sep 23, 2024

No Anomaly For SSA

    The federal fiscal year ends on September 30. Without some sort of appropriation bill passed before then, there will be a federal government shutdown on October 1. Usually, a continuing resolution (CR) is passed which allows the government to keep functioning based upon the prior year's rate of spending. Every year "anomalies" are added to the CR allowing additional funding for some functions. The Biden Administration has sought an "anomaly" to give additional funding to the Social Security Administration. The CR which has been agreed to contains no "anomaly" for Social Security. This is not good for now and portends an inadequate regular appropriation.  Social Security has been an agency which appears to have been disfavored by appropriators for many years.


Anonymous said...

The question now is if SSA employees get furloughed and for how many days?

Anonymous said...

While Sunday's deal excludes the contentious voting legislation, it does propose $231 million in additional funding for the U.S. Secret Service. The funding comes after a gunman attempted to assassinate Trump in July, grazing his ear, and another man was discovered this month lying in wait just outside the fence of a Florida golf course where Trump was playing.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone think that Republicans will be in any mood to negotiate if they lose Congress after the election? It is is best to get a longer CR now.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like 20 working days, total of 2 pay periods. That said, it's likely 1 week at a time. If the unions would allow, I'd happily volunteer for the furlough.

Anonymous said...

And about half of those losing an entire month’s salary will bo rooting for and re-electing the very same demons who inflicted this on them.

Anonymous said...

No, it would be best for those clowns to pull their noses out of Trump’s rear end and give the agency the funding it needs to carry out its mission.