Dec 19, 2023

O'Malley Nomination Spurred Few Passions

     From Politico:

... The vote [on the nomination of Martin O'Malley to become Commissioner of Social Security] was 50-11, with 39 senators absent for the chamber's first vote the week before Christmas as lawmakers continue working on an international aid and border security supplemental package.

Longtime Senate reporters and procedural experts called it the worst attendance for a vote that they could recall for at least the last two decades. ...

On The Way Out The Door

     In one of her last acts as Acting Commissioner of Social Security, Kililo Kijakazi issued an apology for her confused testimony before a Congressional committee that badly understated her agency's problem with overpayments of benefits.

    By the way, does anyone have an idea where Kijakazi is headed now? Back to a staff job? On to a new position?

It's OK To Feel Down At Christmas


Dec 18, 2023

Senate Schedules Vote Today On O'Malley Nomination

     According to the Senate Finance Committee, which has jurisdiction over the matter, there's been unanimous consent in the Senate to vote on Martin O'Malley's nomination today.

    Update: The vote is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. today.

    Update: Martin O’Malley has been confirmed by the Senate.

Merry Christmas


Dec 17, 2023

Dec 15, 2023

Rampant Scamming Of Social Security Recipients

     From Newsweek:

More than $100 million is lost each year due to Social Security scams, new figures from the Federal Trade Commission show.

Already in 2023, the FTC has received reports of 164,413 government imposter scams, with social security scams being the most common of all. The Social Security Administration saw 38,852 reports, with a total of $101.58 million lost to government-impersonating fraudsters. ...