Aug 6, 2007

AFGE Newsletter

Council 220 of the American Federation of Government Employees, which represents more than 25,000 Social Security employees, has issued its July 2007 newsletter. Here are a few tidbits:
When the Union met for the first time with Commissioner Michael Astrue June 6, immigration reform was still a hot topic. He estimated its passage would requiring double the staff (currently 61,000) to issue national identification cards and verify social security numbers for employers. [emphasis added. This is the first time I have seen an estimate on this from Social Security. It may still happen. Why has Michael Astrue not been giving loud and public warnings about this?]

However, backlogs in hearings offices are first priority with the Commissioner. He made 20,000 hours of overtime available for volunteers from the field/TSCs to assemble hearings files. He also would like to hire 173 more Administrative Law Judges (ALJs) and support staff for them (each ALJ averages 4.4 support staff) and allow senior attorneys to review and reverse reconsideration decisions on pending hearings. ...

After experiencing a communications boycott from former Commissioner Barnhart, the Union participants were pleased the Commissioner openly discussed his ideas on how to improve the disability program with Union leaders. ...

Mr. Astrue’s desire for better communications with the Union is not mirrored by his subordinates. The Deputy Commissioner for Operations Linda McMahon and all Regional Commissioners (RCs) refuse to meet with employee-elected representa-tives. They make decisions without employee input.

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