Nov 22, 2009

Disparities Among ALJs

The full story from The News Journal of Delaware has been posted. Much of it concerns the Hearing Office Chief Administrative Law Judge (HOCALJ) in the Dover hearing office, Judith Showalter, who denies 56% of the cases she hears. The newspaper also looked at the numbers for other Administrative Law Judges (ALJs), noting that "Baltimore judge Louis J. Pucci denied fewer than 1 percent of his cases during those four years [the newspaper examined], while Houston judge Richard J. Abrams denied 93 percent of his cases."

Addendum: The News Journal published nine separate stories. In addition to the one linked above these were:


Anonymous said...

I've said this before. Congress should lower alj salaries. Then accurate decisions may be made.

Anonymous said...

Why, of course! That's perfectly logical. Although, I must admit I've never heard you say it before, but if you say you have.....

Anonymous said...

Yessiree! Lowering salaries has a direct connection to more accurate decisions. Why didn't the rest of us think about that?