Dec 28, 2008

Judge Judy Gives A Lecture


Anonymous said...

Both the young man in the video and Judge Judy stated that he was receiving Social Security disability. But the computer graphic at the end stated that he was receiving SSI which is not Social Security, and never has been. SSI is federal welfare, paid to disabled people who cannot qualify for SSA, usually because they don't have enough QC's.

Anonymous said...

What in the world was that all about? no, it is not against the law to work while on SSD, Judge Judy--maybe that is why you are a tv judge. Of Course they couldn't even correctly identify whether he was getting SSI or SSD, and there was the implied condescension toward someone who was alleging a mental disability.
And why were they all on tv, anyway? What a bunch of gibberish.

Anonymous said...

Judge Judy smirked about the man supposedly having a learning disability but he didn't seem so dumb that he figured out working "under the table" would be more difficult for SSA to find out he is working --- and has income. It's not gibberish when people scam the system at our (taxpayers) expense.

Anonymous said...

He does seem a bit slow.

Anonymous said...

The amount he said he is earning is over the maximum for SSI. I believe he is receiving DIB.

Anonymous said...

The amount of SSI in total varies from state to state because the recipient may be including the amount of a state supplement in his payment. The maximum FEDERAL SSI payment in 2008 was $637, Wisconsin, for exaqmple, adds another $83.78 to this for a total of $720.78. Some states have a higher supplement and some lower and some have none. In some states the state payment is federally administered and is therefore included in the federal payment so the recipients aren't always clear how much is from SSI and how much is from their state.

Anonymous said...

It is possible to work while on SSI and SSDI yet only a certain amount can be earned! Judge Judy has no idea about this fact as she once told a platiff they couldn't be working if on disability!